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Server Server not showing up in Internet Games list


Jun 18, 2016
I have set up a Linux server, I can connect directly to my server with `open <IP>:<PORT>` or by adding it to my Favorites, but it is not showing up in the "Internet Games" list.

I am 100% certain all required ports are correctly open.

  • 7707 UDP/IP (Game Port)
  • 7708 UDP/IP (Query Port)
  • 7717 UDP/IP (GameSpy Query Port)
  • 28852 TCP/IP and UDP (Allows your Server to Connect to the Master Server Browser)
  • 8075 TCP/IP (Port set via ListenPort that your WebAdmin will run on)
  • 20560 UDP/IP (Steam Port)

The output when starting the server:

[root@ip-172-31-10-164 System]# ./ucc-bin server KF-bioticslab.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6 -nohomedir -ini=KillingFloorSuicidal.ini
Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Browse: KF-bioticslab.rom?Name=KFPlayer?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Corporal_Lewis?team=1?Sex=M?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6
Couldn't resolve hostname killingfloor-crashreports.icculus.org.
Will retry sending any crash reports next run.
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 60638->60637; refs: 786983
Game class is 'KFGameType'
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 1250
STEAMAUTH : Steam auth system activation successful
Bringing Level KF-bioticslab.myLevel up for play (30) appSeconds: 6.540870...
GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
KFLRules = KF-bioticslab.KFLevelRules0
Game length = 2
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7717 successfully bound.
Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Defaulting to false
Defaulting to false
Loading Available Maps
Loading Game Types
xWebAdmin.UTServerAdmin Initialized on port 8075
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Resolving tripwireinteractive.com...
AInternetLink Resolve failed: Can't find host master0.gamespy.com (HOST_NOT_FOUND)
UdpGameSpyUplink: Failed to resolve master server address, aborting.
Resolved tripwireinteractive.com (
STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6

Here's ucc.log:

[root@ip-172-31-10-164 System]# cat ucc.log
Log: Log file open, Mon Nov 23 04:22:21 2020
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 3339 (128.29)
Init: RO_VERSION: 1094
Init: KF_VERSION: 1065
Init: Compiled: Apr 13 2016 06:47:57
Init: Command line: KF-bioticslab.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6 -nohomedir -ini=KillingFloorSuicidal.ini
Init: (This is Linux patch version 3339.0)
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: /root/killingfloor/System/
Init: Ini:KillingFloorSuicidal.ini   UserIni:User.ini
Init: Build label:  Build UT2004_Build_[2004-11-11_10.48]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Log: Browse: KF-bioticslab.rom?Name=KFPlayer?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Corporal_Lewis?team=1?Sex=M?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 60638->60637; refs: 786983
Log: Game class is 'KFGameType'
Log: STEAMAUTH : Steam auth system activation successful
Log: Bringing Level KF-bioticslab.myLevel up for play (30) appSeconds: 6.540870...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
ScriptLog: KFLRules = KF-bioticslab.KFLevelRules0
ScriptLog: Game length = 2
ScriptLog: UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7717 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving master0.gamespy.com...
Log: Defaulting to false
Log: Defaulting to false
WebAdmin: Loading Available Maps
WebAdmin: Loading Game Types
WebAdmin: xWebAdmin.UTServerAdmin Initialized on port 8075
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Warning: KFDoorMover KF-bioticslab.KFDoorMover16 (Function KFMod.KFDoorMover.PostBeginPlay:022E) Multiple triggers found!
Log: Resolving tripwireinteractive.com...
Log: AInternetLink Resolve failed: Can't find host master0.gamespy.com (HOST_NOT_FOUND)
ScriptLog: UdpGameSpyUplink: Failed to resolve master server address, aborting.
Log: Resolved tripwireinteractive.com (
Log: STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
Log: STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
Log: STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
Log: STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6
Log: STEAMAUTH : Sending updated server details - Duck's Suicidal Server 0 | 6

I have tried setting these to True/False:
  • UplinkToGamespy
  • SendStats
  • ServerBehindNAT

Setting UplinkToGamespy to False makes the connection errors in the logs go regarding the master server address go away, but nothing else changes.

I am hosting this on an Amazon EC2 instance. This is the COMPLETE bash script to create my server from scratch, in case it helps:

sudo su

yum update -y

yum install -y glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686

mkdir ~/Steam && cd ~/Steam

curl -sqL "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz" | tar zxvf -

bash /root/Steam/steamcmd.sh +login duckcs_servers MYPASS +force_install_dir /root/killingfloor +app_update 215360 validate +quit

cd /root/killingfloor/System

rm -f /KillingFloorSuicidal.ini
wget "https://pastebin.com/raw/v2hm5zNW" -O KillingFloorSuicidal.ini

./ucc-bin server KF-bioticslab.rom?game=KFmod.KFGameType?VACSecured=true?MaxPlayers=6 -nohomedir -ini=KillingFloorSuicidal.ini

I really have no idea how to further proceed in this quest. Can someone give me some ideas?

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Reactions: AkycTuk
Directory paths will need to be changed depending on your installation.
#rename original file
mv ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so.orig
#symlink to updated .so in steamcmd folder
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/steamclient.so ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so

mv ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so.orig
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/libtier0_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so

mv ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so.orig
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/libvstdlib_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so
Upvote 0
Directory paths will need to be changed depending on your installation.
#rename original file
mv ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so.orig
#symlink to updated .so in steamcmd folder
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/steamclient.so ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so

mv ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so.orig
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/libtier0_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so

mv ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so.orig
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/libvstdlib_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so

Damn, my hero.

I guess it's something similar on Windows as well, as Windows has this issue, too.
Fully utilizing LGSM now for my Ubuntu machines, thinking it would solve the problem out of the box. Nope.

I've searched and tried everything. This is a bit involved, but it worked.
For anyone searching, I updated my file names as such, utilizing LGSM.
I had a bit of a hiccup and had to try again, because I didn't know the right path to SteamCMD.

mv /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/steamclient.so /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/steamclient.so.orig2
ln -s /home/kfserver/.steam/steamcmd/linux32/steamclient.so /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/steamclient.so

mv /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/libtier0_s.so /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/libtier0_s.so.orig2
ln -s /home/kfserver/.steam/steamcmd/linux32/libtier0_s.so /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/libtier0_s.so

mv /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/libvstdlib_s.so /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/libvstdlib_s.so.orig2
ln -s /home/kfserver/.steam/steamcmd/linux32/libvstdlib_s.so /home/kfserver/serverfiles/System/libvstdlib_s.so
Upvote 0
register specifically to say thank you
Directory paths will need to be changed depending on your installation.
#rename original file
mv ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so.orig
#symlink to updated .so in steamcmd folder
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/steamclient.so ~/servers/kf1/System/steamclient.so

mv ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so.orig
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/libtier0_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libtier0_s.so

mv ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so.orig
ln -s ~/steamcmd/linux32/libvstdlib_s.so ~/servers/kf1/System/libvstdlib_s.so
I specifically register to say thank you
Upvote 0
I have been running servers on Win7 machine years, but now on Win10 there is some weird things going on.
On machine where I ran KF2 servers, KF1 servers didn´t show up on serverlist no matter what I did. With openIP servers were working though.
So I took copy on server folder and copied it to other WIN10 machine is same network and servers showed up in serverlist, but now problem was that I had steam client running and it showed that I was playing game.
When I quit steam, servers went nuts, other shows up in serverlist, but doesnt connect and other is missing from serverlist, but shows up in favorites VAC disabled and works when connected from it.
Edit: Fixed this by moving install to other sub folder.
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