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Massively buggy today, mainly locking me in the alternate exit


FNG / Fresh Meat
Sep 29, 2024
Category: Code or animation or level design

Reproductability: unsure

Summary: the secret exit to the vault terminal underground on fragrant shore locked me in.

Description: I was playing ace on fragrant shore when I went to the underground terminal on my way to b (I think this one was point D) and saw it was empty. I decided to go out the alternate exit because I shot someone and then the barrels closed behind me but the opening at the top of the stairs wouldnt fully come down. The light on the wall glitched back and forth and the wall would only ever come down half way, not allowing me to jump through no matter how hard I tried. I also couldnt go back through the barrels so I was just stuck and suffering. Had to watch someone else extract with nothing I could do. I was on solo with normal settings afaik.
This picture should give everything else you need.

Notes: I have also been noticing bugginess all day with the guards running around with their guns out permanently, not when people are shooting around.