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Beta Map KF-Train


Thank you please
  • Mar 21, 2009
    Another old mod favourite i'm pleased was ported to KF retail.

    The original map is created by Kyben. The ported map was great. Unfortunately, it contained no sound at all (no music actor, no map ambience, sfx, etc).

    So I decided, even with my (very) limited knowledge of UED, to have a go at jazzing it up a little, with perhaps one or two tweaks. So, here I present to you KF-Train:

    Horzine's mobile research labs have come under attack after the specimens escaped from storage. All staff and crew have either been eaten or killed.

    Alpha Team has boarded the moving train to take out any remaining hostiles. Rumour has it, Horzine's head of Research, Kevin Clamely has a collection of priceless treasures stored in the cargo area. These are unconfirmed rumours of course.

    Prepare yourself for a one way ticket. To Hell.....


    Known issues:

    - Killed Zeds fall through geometry. - fixed. thanks to JustFilth for his advice :)
    - Some areas (trader's room floor and one or 2 other parts) won't light.

    If anyone knows how to fix (which i'm sure you guys will), feel free or hit me up on Steam to share the knowledge!

    Hope you enjoy this map as much as I did tinkering with it. And once again, all props go to Kyben for creating this beauty. ;)

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    This is the first and only map where I died within two seconds of spawning. :D It's fun bringing players who get on this map for the first time... for the same reason as above. :p Are there new spawn points? I noticed that it becomes a campfest because they only spawn from the forward carriages. Thanks for the fix. :D
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    This is the first and only map where I died within two seconds of spawning. :D It's fun bringing players who get on this map for the first time... for the same reason as above. :p Are there new spawn points? I noticed that it becomes a campfest because they only spawn from the forward carriages. Thanks for the fix. :D

    a few come from behind, gregs told me hes looking into it :D
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    Are there new spawn points? I noticed that it becomes a campfest because they only spawn from the forward carriages. Thanks for the fix. :D

    I added zed spawns to the right hand carriages. But the way the volumes work, zeds will only spawn when a player is in certain proximity from them. So it's easy to camp if your team stays in that area. I'll see what I can do to sort this.

    As usual, any suggestions and/or feedback is welcome. Remember, I know jack about UED, just the bare, bare minimum! It was only a "tart up" project for me :)
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    Gregs, i hope the zeds will spawn a both end of the train, cuz the other version was a grindfest since they were all coming in a straight line =S

    Yep, they do. I'm tweaking things at the moment and adding more spawn points. Also, does anyone know who actually ported this map to retail? I'd hate to miss out credit, where credit's due.
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    Hopefully have a final version of this up by the end of today. I think I have the zed spawning just right. Added a few more fixes and touch ups here and there. Just have a couple of exploits to plug, then i'll release as final.

    EDIT: OK, near to final as dammnit version is up. Please let me know if you have any issues. I'm also aware of how easy it is to defeat Patriarch using x-bows and SS perk. Nothing I can do about that, due to the layout of the map (i.e. mostly long corridors).

    See original post for download link.

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    Hopefully have a final version of this up by the end of today. I think I have the zed spawning just right. Added a few more fixes and touch ups here and there. Just have a couple of exploits to plug, then i'll release as final.

    EDIT: OK, near to final as dammnit version is up. Please let me know if you have any issues. I'm also aware of how easy it is to defeat Patriarch using x-bows and SS perk. Nothing I can do about that, due to the layout of the map (i.e. mostly long corridors).

    See original post for download link.


    Thank you so much. I'll upload this right away. :D
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    a couple bugs i found

    a couple bugs i found

    I was playing this map tonight with some friends on my server and was having fun with it ,but we experienced a couple bugs while playing ,that i felt i should bring to your attention.
    First one thats kind of a big one was I got trapped in the trader at the end of the train with the little welded safe. Everyone else got teleported out ,but i was locked in with her.I ended up jumping back behind the counter with her and was able to run out the end of the train and jump off, and still didnt die until i was running along side it trying to jump back on.
    The other one was during the patriarch round he came attacked us when he ran away to heal somehow fell down in the tracks between train cars and was stuck there grunting like he was being damaged but not dying.
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