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How many classes have you Prestiged?

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I think the only perks I've prestiged twice are the Commando and Support. The only perk I've not prestiged even once is the Zerk, which happens to be my least favorite perk. I mostly play suicidal and thanks to "Killing Floor fatigue", I haven't played nearly as much for the past three years or so.

I mostly play Suicidal too. Not that common that you'll get a HoE team good enough to go the distance. Granted I still die on Suicidal to really bad circumstance, being boxed in, singled out by three fleshpounds at the same time, everything targeting me, etc, but even on Suicidal iit really is fascinating how quickly a seemingly-coordinated team can fall apart.

Sidetrack, was there any announcement anywhere about this Double EXP event and how long it would last? Would like to squeeze out a couple more T1 Prestige skins before it ends.
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