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EDARS Killed KF2 for me, do not add to KF3


FNG / Fresh Meat
Jan 7, 2024
Every single fan pretty much agrees that EDARs don't fit the game's aesthetic, and they are the most obnoxious and OP zeds in the game. Matriarch is already hard enough, now add these zeds that stop you from moving and you get blasted by bullets, bombs and a laser all at once instantly dieing. It's not fun. It's why I've uninstalled KF2 twice, about to uninstall a 3rd time. Genuinely considering NOT PURCHASING KF3 if edars are added to the game. It's not that the zeds are "hard", I religiously play HOE, it's that they are too much. If added to KF3, I was planning on pre-ordering the game once available, but that's definitely being halted until I know if EDARs will be making a return or not.
They're not OP or difficult Zeds by any stretch; anyone with any experience in first-person shooters knows how to shoot center of mass and they die fairly quickly once you understand how they work. The worst thing they can throw at you is Trappers and Trappers get stumbled by a particularly sharp gust of wind, so they shouldn't actually be snagging anyone with regularity.

That said, they're designed to be extremely irritating to deal with on purpose. If they died to headshots like everything else, I wouldn't care. But they don't, so I do.
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Agree with this, ditch the EDARs. It's not that they're not hard to kill, they're just highly annoying. Anything that takes control away from the player (at range, Trapper) is a bad decision in my opinion. The Matriarch boss battle is even more obnoxious when they're spawned in. They also don't fit the game's theme, no matter how much they're built on, they still don't belong in the game.
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Yeah, scrapyard for the robots please. EDARs as enemies in the main waves were the main reason I wanted to launch KF2 less and less over the years. Thematically it was disappointing to lose a chunk of the game's identity, (you fight mutant specimens) but far more importantly, their behavior and sounds were extremely irritating. They're alarm clocks. Playing kf2 with edars is trying to get back to a good dream between snooze button presses.
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My opinion on the EDARs stayed roughly the same along the years, although I do find myself a little more hostile to them as of late. I still believe they should have been cyborgs, akin to the Husks, rather than pure artificial constructs. I also believe they bring very little to the table in terms of pure power : the stalkers and crawlers are already hard-to-hit foes that can deplete your mags by throwing off your aim. The Husk is already there to make you remember to watch your distances too. Fleshpounds and Scrakes are already tough opponents capable of blocking your shots, and the Rioters are also armored, forcing you to aim elsewhere.

The only thing that truly set them apart is pretty much how ANNOYING they are to deal with. If you've been reading my posts for a little while, you know I often praised the fact they're pretty much a free EMP grenade, and I'm not against enemies keeping you on your toes simply by making you rethink your main strategy (aka : aiming for the head). But that doesn't save them from being boring enemies that are more trouble than they're worth: trappers especially can badly screw you over, often simply by hiding behind other zeds or snagging you from behind. Clots share that trait of blocking your movement, but they are very easy to dispatch and can only do so at melee range. It feels a tad more lenient and balanced. While the other two variants are... worse husks? With the comparison being even more interesting considering they also have a different weak spot leading to an interesting reward: their gas tank. But unlike EDARs : their movement aren't nearly as difficult to predict, and they can still die to a perfect headshot (or two). Which I believe is more interesting than entirely removing the ability to headshot in a pinch.
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EDAR's are an annoyance, plain and simple...fitting a theme is not my concern (the game is already absurdly fantastical in the extreme already, but delightfully so ^.^). I mean, I could put up with lasers and rockets, as both are easily avoidable for anyone with decent situational awareness and straffing skill (even at close range), but really, it's the trappers that are the real problem here. You want to shoot something at me in the way of lasers and rockets? Fine. You want to shoot something at me that holds me in place during a wave 84 Endless Poundemonium, I'm LPS and I got 15 perpetually raging FP's nipping at my heels? Yeah...piss off. ^.^

And the game purposefully throws a trapper into your path of movement in situations like what I described above so that it can stall you up and get you killed (just had it happen to me the other night and it robbed me of the clutching glory that I should have had). I'm sure someone at Tripwire thought that this would be good challenge, but ultimately it just comes off as unfair and cheap. Don't create something that "holds" a player in place during dire situations. Instead, create something that perhaps "slows" the player...but doesn't halt them in their tracks. The game already pulls enough spawning shenanigans at high wave...we didn't need something to add more shenanigan power to the zeds.

And we certainly DO NOT need this kind of thing in Killing Floor 3. Don't rob the player of his or her much needed mobility.
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Well... Good riddance. While I did enjoy having free EMPs every now and then, it just doesn't make up for every other problems they had. Namely

-Poorly fitting to the rest of the franchise's bestiary, due to being entirely robotic rather than cybernetic or fully organic.
-Don't bring much to the table in terms of gameplay. The Husk is more than enough as a ranged zed. And the Trapper manages to be ten times more annoying than Clots at locking you in place.
-Annoying to fight, because they're armored everywhere. It's not just recommended to fire at their chest : it's pretty much NEEDED.
-They have that weird spawning mechanic where they take the spot of either Husks or Stalkers.

I honestly believe they made the right choice. And I'm sure that amidst the new zeds (and even possibly the new capabilities of the old ones!), we'll have at least one zed capable of pissing you off at range, while not being as infuriating as those damn EDARs.
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Todos los fanáticos están prácticamente de acuerdo en que los EDAR no se ajustan a la estética del juego y son los OP más desagradables y desagradables del juego. Matriarca ya es bastante difícil, ahora agrega estos zeds que te impiden moverte y serás atacado por balas, bombas y un láser, todos a la vez, muriendo instantáneamente. No es divertido. Es por eso que desinstalé KF2 dos veces y estoy a punto de desinstalarlo por tercera vez. Realmente estoy considerando NO COMPRAR KF3 si se agregan edars al juego. No es que los zeds sean "duros", yo juego religiosamente HOE, es que son demasiado. Si se agrega a KF3, estaba planeando reservar el juego una vez que estuviera disponible, pero eso definitivamente se detendrá hasta que sepa si los EDAR regresarán o no.
la cosa es que debes jugar los perks bien, por ejemplo swat, comando, pistolero y demo son excelentes para los edars porque 2 tiros al pecho lo elimina, aun que estoy deacuerdo en quitarlos de la pelea con jefe finales (al menos reducirlos) allí si son más que una molestia, algo injusto. aunqeu cuando presentan como se van a descuartizar los zeds vi un cadaver de edar en el suelo, parece indumentaria, asi que lo más probable es que no regresen
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EDARs provides a shooting type of enemy which "zombie horde shooters" always lacks of, bringing the necessary chaotic fun and challenge. So, no, I'm one of those who love EDARs, and robot enemies in FPSs since Hard Reset and Binary Domain. The absence of habitual blood splashes on them is easy fixable (but not necessary), if they change robots to cyborgs, Quake-type.
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