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Code Can somebody please convert this code into UScript?


Grizzled Veteran
Dec 17, 2009
Here is the code taken from Half Life 2:

#define MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG 1.5f
void CBaseViewModel::CalcViewModelLag( Vector& origin, QAngle& angles, QAngle& original_angles )
 // Calculate our drift
 Vector forward;
 AngleVectors( angles, &forward, NULL, NULL );
 if ( gpGlobals->frametime != 0.0f )
  Vector vDifference;
  VectorSubtract( forward, m_vecLastFacing, vDifference );
  if ( fabs( vDifference.x ) > MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG ||
    fabs( vDifference.y ) > MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG ||
    fabs( vDifference.z ) > MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG )
   m_vecLastFacing = forward;
  // FIXME:  Needs to be predictable?
  VectorMA( m_vecLastFacing, 5.0f * gpGlobals->frametime, vDifference, m_vecLastFacing );
  // Make sure it doesn't grow out of control!!!
  VectorNormalize( m_vecLastFacing );
  VectorMA( origin, 5, vDifference * -1, origin );
 Vector right, up;
 AngleVectors( original_angles, &forward, &right, &up );
 float pitch = original_angles[ PITCH ];
 if ( pitch > 180.0f )
  pitch -= 360.0f;
 else if ( pitch < -180.0f )
  pitch += 360.0f;
 //FIXME: These are the old settings that caused too many exposed polys on some models
 VectorMA( origin, -pitch * 0.035f, forward, origin );
 VectorMA( origin, -pitch * 0.03f,  right, origin );
 VectorMA( origin, -pitch * 0.02f,  up,  origin);

This is the original unmodified code, I've made an attempt at converting it from C++ to UScript before and I was unsuccessful. Can somebody help me out?
Try to correct syntax

function CalcViewModelLag( Vector origin, QAngle angles, QAngle original_angles )
 // Calculate our drift
 Vector forward, vDifference, right, up;
 float pitch;
 AngleVectors( angles, forward, none, none );
 if ( gpGlobals.frametime != 0.0f )
  VectorSubtract( forward, m_vecLastFacing, vDifference );
  if ( abs( vDifference.x ) > MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG ||
    abs( vDifference.y ) > MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG ||
    abs( vDifference.z ) > MAX_VIEWMODEL_LAG )
   m_vecLastFacing = forward;
  // FIXME:  Needs to be predictable?
  VectorMA( m_vecLastFacing, 5.0f * gpGlobals.frametime, vDifference, m_vecLastFacing );
  // Make sure it doesn't grow out of control!!!
  VectorNormalize( m_vecLastFacing );
  VectorMA( origin, 5, vDifference * -1, origin );
 AngleVectors( original_angles, forward, right, up );
 pitch = original_angles[ PITCH1 ]; //C++ is case sensitive
 if ( pitch > 180.0f )
  pitch -= 360.0f;
 else if ( pitch < -180.0f )
  pitch += 360.0f;
 //FIXME: These are the old settings that caused too many exposed polys on some models
 VectorMA( origin, -pitch * 0.035f, forward, origin );
 VectorMA( origin, -pitch * 0.03f,  right, origin );
 VectorMA( origin, -pitch * 0.02f,  up,  origin);

You should take care about outer functions and structures and resolve c++ case sensitive conflicts
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Okay I figured out what AngleVectors does, but what does:
VectorMA(v,s,b,o) - make b s units long, add to v, result in o
mean? Can you tell me what that means? I want to be sure.

Edit: Here is what I've been able to convert so far thanks to your help :)

var float MaxViewModelLag;
function CalcViewModelLag( vector origin, rotator angles, rotator originalangles )
// Calculate our drift
local vector Difference, forward, right, up;
local vector LastFacing;
GetAxes( angles, forward, none, none );
if ( Level.TimeSeconds != 0.0 )
Difference = LastFacing - forward;
if ( abs( Difference.X ) > MaxViewModelLag || abs( Difference.Y ) > MaxViewModelLag || abs( Difference.Z ) > MaxViewModelLag )
LastFacing = forward;
VectorMA( LastFacing, 5.0 * Level.TimeSeconds, Difference, LastFacing );
VectorMA( origin, 5, Difference * -1, origin );
GetAxes( originalangles, forward, right, up );
if ( originalangles.pitch > 180.0 )
originalangles.pitch -= 360.0;
else if ( originalangles.pitch < -180.0 )
originalangles.pitch += 360.0;
VectorMA( origin, -originalangles.pitch * 0.035, forward, origin );
VectorMA( origin, -originalangles.pitch * 0.03, right, origin );
VectorMA( origin, -originalangles.pitch * 0.02, up, origin);

I'm not sure if this is right, I still have to figure out what description of VectorMA means.
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class FDBWeapon extends KFWeapon
var float MaxViewModelLag;
// Overridden to take out some UT stuff + Half Life 2 view model lag + new offset and rotation system
simulated event RenderOverlays( Canvas Canvas )
 local int m;
 local vector DrawOffset;
     local rotator RollMod;
     local FDBPlayerController Playa;
 local FDBHuman fdbpawn;
 local int leanangle;
 local vector origin, OriginalOrigin;
 local rotator angles, OriginalAngles;
 local rotator angoriginal;
  local vector Difference, forward, right, up;
 local vector LastFacing;
 local vector NULLVector, NULLVector1;
 local float Speed, Diff, Scale;
     if (Instigator == None)
     // Lets avoid having to do multiple casts every tick - Ramm
     Playa = FDBPlayerController(Instigator.Controller);
 if ( Instigator.Controller != None )
  Hand = Instigator.Controller.Handedness;
 if ( Instigator.Controller == None )
 angles = Instigator.GetViewRotation();
 angoriginal = Instigator.GetViewRotation();
 origin = PlayerViewOffset + Instigator.EyePosition();
 OriginalOrigin = origin;
 OriginalAngles = angles;
 NULLVector = Vect(0,0,0);
 NULLVector1 = Vect(0,0,0);
  GetAxes( angles, forward, NULLVector, NULLVector1 );
  if ( Level.TimeSeconds != 0.0 )
  Difference = LastFacing - forward;
  Speed = 5.0f;
  Diff = Sqrt(Square(Difference.X) + Square(Difference.Y) + Square(Difference.Z));
  if ( (Diff > MaxViewModelLag) && (MaxViewModelLag > 0.0) )
   Scale = Diff / MaxViewModelLag;
   Speed *= Scale;
  LastFacing = (Speed * Level.TimeSeconds) * Difference;
  origin += -Difference * 5.0;
  GetAxes( angoriginal, forward, right, up );
  if ( angoriginal.pitch > 180.0 )
    angoriginal.pitch -= 360.0;
  else if ( angoriginal.pitch < -180.0 )
    angoriginal.pitch += 360.0;
 if ( MaxViewModelLag == 0.0 )
  origin = OriginalOrigin;
  angles = OriginalAngles;
 origin = origin + (-angoriginal.pitch * 0.035) * forward;
 origin = origin + (-angoriginal.pitch * 0.03) * right;
 origin = origin + (-angoriginal.pitch * 0.02) * up;
 DrawOffset = ((0.9/DisplayFOV * 100 * origin) >> angles);
 if ( Instigator.IsLocallyControlled() )
      DrawOffset += Instigator.WeaponBob(BobDamping);
         DrawOffset += Instigator.CameraShake();
 if ((Hand < -1.0) || (Hand > 1.0))
 // draw muzzleflashes/smoke for all fire modes so idle state won't
 // cause emitters to just disappear
 for (m = 0; m < NUM_FIRE_MODES; m++)
  if (FireMode[m] != None)
 //Adjust weapon position for lean
 fdbpawn = FDBHuman(Instigator);
 if (fdbpawn != none && fdbpawn.LeanAmount != 0)
  leanangle += fdbpawn.LeanAmount;
 SetLocation( Instigator.Location + DrawOffset );
 RollMod = angles;
 RollMod.Roll += leanangle;
    SetRotation( RollMod + ZoomRotInterp );
 //PreDrawFPWeapon(); // Laurent -- Hook to override things before render (like rotation if using a staticmesh)
 bDrawingFirstPerson = true;
 Canvas.DrawActor(self, false, false, DisplayFOV);
 bDrawingFirstPerson = false;


New code
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