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Twi @e3

Pretty much, yeah. The effective demise of E3 this year is why so many big publishers have held their own shows instead.

As far as TWI is concerned, as much as we're all dying to know what's next on the cards, I don't see the guys building up a whole lot of hype over nothing. It can fairly safely be assumed that the project is underway, but at this stage there's obviously nothing to show. They could certainly announce what it's going to be, but that'll just get everyone begging for media and denouncing TWI when said media is not forthcoming. No, I don't think that there'll be anything but silence on the subject until there's something substantial to actually show us and clearly, that time is not yet at hand.
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E3 this year isn't going to like it was in previous years..

E3 has scaled back Dramatically, and the era of E3-Booth babes has passed, as have the giant giant floor shows...

.. I believe that's all moved to a German industry show.

E3 is trying to get more "professional".. less "convention".


My question is, will TWI be at DragonCon this year? :p
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held in yoshiro's basement!
I have only one thing to say.

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E3 this year isn't going to like it was in previous years..

E3 has scaled back Dramatically, and the era of E3-Booth babes has passed, as have the giant giant floor shows...

.. I believe that's all moved to a German industry show.

E3 is trying to get more "professional".. less "convention".


My question is, will TWI be at DragonCon this year? :p

Yes, but there will be the E4A (Entertainment for all) expo someday, which will be held for regular people.
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