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RO getting Gamier?

RO getting Gamier?

  • Yes

    Votes: 149 48.9%
  • No

    Votes: 156 51.1%

  • Total voters
Yes the game is moving out of its purpose, I think the team is going away from realism. When they put out updates just to the people on the free weekend because they couldn't understand the class names? The new update that put the bullets next to the fire switch mod...why? Don't think they had little bullets showing them what mod they were on in ww2. This game as of now is moving towards sales, not existing members, the new gun is great, but I didn't see any unbalancing with any maps, I guess they were talking about players that have no skill?
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I cant get on a server w/o running into dolphins anymore. Its very frustrating.

That type of gameplay is what I started playing RO to avoid.

Are you kidding me? Did you see how friendly the playerbase was towards new players in the trial week? I have never seen newbies chastized just because they were new.

I keep reading about dolphin diving....I've been playing since the free week and have not yet been killed by dolphin diver, I don't think. I often dive to get the kill shot if the circumstances are right. Doesn't seem to be that much of a problem, and as for realism, if you were confronted face to face with armed enemy what is wrong with diving to the ground and shooting? It is perfectly plausable. There would be no more recovery time with the adrenaline etc by diving and shooting than by sidestepping and shooting in real life. Soldiers are trained to hit the ground and shoot in basic training. I like it.
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The new update that put the bullets next to the fire switch mod...why?

Have you ever fired a select-fire weapon? I have. In reality one can see what fire mode the weapon is set to, which, before this patch, we couldn't unless one fired off a couple of rounds. It's a perfectly acceptable addition that doesn't make RO any more "gamey."
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Yes it is.......... I for one want to see this game get more heavily involved in the infantry maps instead of all these frickin "combined arms"(bull**** of maps).......

When RO was played back in the mod days......... the maps were awesome..... they were mostly infantry maps........ and then came along tanks...... the idea was good at the time....... barashka came out.......... a map just made for tanking.... and then it started to go down hill........ maps that had tanks with infantry..........

Its one thing to have combined arms in a map....... and its also another thing to actually ballance it out.........

for example........ panzerfaust to a tank......... thats easy....

PTRD to a tank........... too picky...... shots bounce all the time........ wtf its doing no damage what so ever to the tank...... Ive shot the tanks at least 15 times and still nothing.......

At least in the mod the PTRD was done right...... it had killing power..... wasnt picky with shots at all...... and best of all it killed tank crew.......

The weapons just dont balance out at all........ the ruski's are greatly disadvantaged when it comes to anti tank combat............

And the other concept of these combined arms maps...... THERE NOT BIG ENOUGH!!!!

If its gonna be a combined arms map...... either make it big enough for infantry to move around in....... or make the map so the damn tanks cant get everywhere on the god damn map........:mad:
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Is RO losing it's realism approach and appeal?

My vote: YES

Why: The addition of the G41, Default englush classnames, ever increasing popularity of run and gun maps like lyeskrovy, odessa, and stalingradkessel are all un-realism factors. The g41 simply promotes RnG'ing, auto rifles should be limited to one per team or none at all in the game.
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LOL... I love it. This game keeps getting better and better, and yet people still complain...

As for "Dolfin diving," yes, it is lame and gamey. But guess what, I have NEVER been killed by a dolfin diver. As they are spending their precious time diving to the ground, I'm spraying them with lead.

But "Dolfin Diving" has nothing to do with the game getting worse. It's been around forever. It's not like they just introduced it to make the game more n00b friendly.

The only valid complaint I can see being made about the recent game changes are the addition of smoke nades to every map. To be honest, it's not very realistic. But then again, it really hasn't changed the game for the worse, IMHO. I like being able to have smoke as an option to encourage people to charge objectives. It's an incredibly useful tool. I'm not saying I want laser rifles or other non-historical stuff, but the smoke nades, while not entirely realistic in their presented numbers, provide an interesting level of tactics.

The only other change which people should be complaining about is the SMG recoil (from the Mod). But to be frank, I've gotten used to it and now pretty much dominate with them (all of them).

Every single other change either added functionality or (in the case of the English class names) can be turned off.

So quit your *****ing and get capping already!
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To be honest, it's not very realistic. But then again, it really hasn't changed the game for the worse, IMHO.
This is the exact definition of "making a game gamier".:p

In my opinion its cool if they add things to balance the game, like the G41 on early war maps so the krauts have a weapon against the svt40 on maps where the g43 didn
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Excuse me but WHAT dolphin diving?!?!?!?!

As far as I understand the term dolphin diving specifically refers to the technique available in games like BF2 and COD where a player can jump, go prone whilst mid air and open fire before they hit the ground.

Last time I checked this is just NOT POSSIBLE in RO!

FACT you cannot fire mid dive in this game. You can however hit the dirt, get the sights up and fire at an enemy, and you know what? Soldiers train hitting the dirt and quickly getting fire onto targets in the real world so I don't see this as a problem at all. What it all amounts to is elitist *****ing because some guy with an SMG was quicker to react, hit the dirt and nail you while you guys stood there with your rifle in one hand and your dick in the other. It's exactly the same elitist rifleman mentality that led to the near ruining of the Russian SMG's in Ostfront.

So you're not quick enough to hit the guy while he's diving? Then start practicing and stop whining, because most of the time when someone tries it on me they find their face separated from the rest of their body.

On the specific topic at hand I voted no, I think Ostfront has only gotten better. The vehicles aren't perfect and they never will be, and for sure it is damn frustrating to be killed frontally in a Tiger by a T34's 76mm gun but at the same time I accept that the vehicles are already pushing the engine to it's limits. Just look at the decrease in server performance vehicle maps incur, I honestly believe that they just cannot get any more detail or calculation into the vehicles without degrading performance further. Which is one of the reasons I was never keen on vehicles in the first place. But hey if they prove me wrong then good for them and good for RO.

Also sure things like satchels destroying tanks easily are unrealistic but you're looking at it too narrowly. Satchels are nothing more than a stop gap solution to tank hunting until realistic means (whether it be magnetic mines or such) are implemented.

In any case I feel that Ostfront is first and foremost an infantry simulation, and at that it is excellent, without rival in my eyes. The only things that annoy me are the ridiculous standing penalties on the Russian automatics and the balancing out with the G41 and SVT's in early war maps. Because even when the G41 was in use it was still outnumbered in the field by Soviet semi-automatics.
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I never played the mod but i've seen screens of maps that look awesome, and should've been included in the retail version in my opinion.

Hehe, reddog you know that if you hit the dirt with your iron sights up, your face would be disfigured afterwards, and probably your eye as well. How's that for a soldier being able to respond quickly?

To be honest most of the people that take the "Oh stop crying" attitude are elitist gamers who could care less about realism or history, so seeing certain things out of acronym users and "stop crying" posters no longer worries me as i realize that these people are the very elitists they claim they are telling to shut up.
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I voted yes, I posted earlier that I felt the weapon pickup needed fixed, not made easier. What would have helped I think is to make these changes server selectable thus allowing for both types of players to exist in RO. I haven't seen any dolphin diving....best way to deal with those chaps is to drop a nade near them as they dive or hit the dirt yourself and return fire. I also agree they need to look at the PTRD..way to lacking in power and while we are at it reduce the number of fausts carried..these things were bloody heavy and troops certainly did not carry three of them strapped to their backs, plus weapon, plus ammo etc.
I would love to see a speed penalty introduced for troops carrying heavier weapons....that would balance gameplay IMHO.
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