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A small criticism about the sound levels.


Grizzled Veteran
Nov 23, 2005
Why are some sounds so bloody quiet?

The sound effects in this game are fantastic. Really, like RO1, the sounds are one of the strongest features of the game. Each rifle has a realistic crack to it. The machine guns rattle and bang convincingly. Sub machine guns have a proper staccato chatter. Explosions stun you without sounding like a nuclear weapon. Footsteps sound authentic and immersive and the crack/whistle of bullets flying past make me duck instinctively. Fantastic. I love good sound effects in games, I think they are one of the most important aspects of the experience yet they are sadly overlooked in most titles. Im glad TWI is one of the developers who take the time to make sure their sounds work well.

However, there is one thing that is lost from RO1. Volume. I'm not talking about bass levels, or more powerful sounds. Just the volume. I think the gun sounds are too quiet compared to other sounds in the game. And one thing that certainly needs addressing is the artillery.

In RO1, an artillery barrage usually meant blown eardrums. Anyone remember Basovka? When artillery came down I literally couldn't move from my bunker. The ground shook, I couldn't hear anything else except the world around my player being torn asunder. Yet in RO2 - artillery is quiet. I mean, really quiet. There's the dull rumble from it, but its actually so quiet, I don't know it's happening.

I was playing on a sever about half an hour ago, when my player just exploded into several parts. I didn't know what happened. Then I saw the death messages, and I remembered that the artillery was coming down. I'd managed to take a direct hit from an artillery shell and I didn't even notice. In RO1, the sound alone would have been enough to make sure I was cowering somewhere, not brazenly striding across open ground in the middle of a mortar strike I didn't even realise was happening.

I know that RO2 has many problems at the moment, and that the dev team is probably working hard to patch bugs, improve performance and activate broken features, so I know this issue is something minor that can wait for the moment. but I just thought I'd mention it, as I think it's something important that should be looked at later.

Keep up the good work guys.
Why are some sounds so bloody quiet?

I totally agree, and this is one of the more important issues I've seen raised. The sound is very important to being able to play tactically. You're trying not to be seen so that makes "seeing" hard. We need the best representation of what it would sound like, not just for immersion, but for game play reasons.

I can live with it for the moment though, so as you say not that important.
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Yes I have posted about this before myself. the sound design is brilliant but there is some adjusting that needs to be done with the volume levels. I find it odd that when my weapon fires it is quieter than the ingame voices. Jack up the weapon, grenades and arty volume levels. Also nearby bullet misses and impacts are pretty tame.
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yeah, also the grenade sound- and explosion-effects are ridiculous. + they do almost no damage. a grenade literally exploded 2 meters away from me and i survived the blast WITHOUT even bleeding

No, no, no. Grenades are fine!

In RO1 grenades were like nukes. We do NOT want to go back to that, trust me. They were toned down in Darkest Hour and we were all happier for it. Grenades are realistic right now, for the time period especially. A potato masher 2 meters away is surviveable, especially if you're prone. I have no idea if the game engine models increased lethality from shrapnel if you're standing or not.
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I don't really have any problems with the sound levels. They sound pretty accurate up close as well as far away to me. In fact, I thought they did a good job on the sound range for explosions and gun shots.

Can I ask, do you have a dedicated or on-board audio chipset? Do you use surround or stereo headphones? Or speakers?

I'm basically using a crappy $2 headset and Realtek on-board chip. I expect the quality of my sounds to be low, because of the equipment and settings I'm using, but the relative volume of most sounds is all wrong. The quality is fine, actually, it's just that a far away sound might be loud enough to sound like it is right behind me, while something right behind me might be quiet enough to sound far away.

I wonder if maybe 3D positional audio or better chipsets are making awesome sound for the people that have it, but the flip-side is it makes it worse for the people that don't? Sort of like the graphical issues, the audio may have been optimised on a subset of hardware configurations and on those configurations it's awesome. But on other configurations, the things TWI did to make it awesome have introduced problems.

Just a thought.
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I play with 5.1 surround headsets and think the sound is great, BUT it's not quite the cacophonous barrage heard in RO/DH. When an MG42 was holding the line in those games you could damn well feel it. Right now, honestly, it's hard for me to distinguish the MG34 from other random battlefield noise. And artillery hitting nearby isn't quite as debilitating sound-wise as it was in RO1, though it does suppress you and make you want to stay the hell down.
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No, no, no. Grenades are fine!

In RO1 grenades were like nukes. We do NOT want to go back to that, trust me. They were toned down in Darkest Hour and we were all happier for it. Grenades are realistic right now, for the time period especially. A potato masher 2 meters away is surviveable, especially if you're prone. I have no idea if the game engine models increased lethality from shrapnel if you're standing or not.

most nades are survivable if you're prone. it's all about stance and the location. e.g. you will never survive a grenade blast in a medium-sized room.
i wouldn't call ro1 nades "nukes", i think they were just right... but yeah, opinions are there to be shared ;)
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