• Please make sure you are familiar with the forum rules. You can find them here: https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/index.php?threads/forum-rules.2334636/

Level Design Actorx has been deprecated when importing .ase staticmesh?

A modder a reached out to came back with this:

  1. According to both the UE2 and UE3 documentation ActorX is only designed to be an interchange format between an external DCC apps and the game engine, this was later supplanted by the FBX pipeline later in UE3’s development cycle and has remained largely the same to this day.I can’t find any credible evidence that would suggest that UE3 would be able to ingest UE2 ActorX files.The only real option that I’ve found is to dump all the packages you need with Umodel then bulk impot into 3DS Max, you can then bulk export to FBX with a script like one of these:https://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-exportimporthttps://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-exporter-1https://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/...saveexport-objfbx3dsmax-as-objfbx3dsmax-filesAs for maintaining material assignments I am unaware of any method that allows for that, however when you export a mesh with UModel you will see it generates a text file alongside with the same name as the asset.This text file will contain the material reference which should make it a simple task to re-apply the correct textures from KF1For example:
    Materials[1] =
    Materials[0] =
    Material = Texture'Military.locker_6door'
    EnableCollision = true
    If you are looking to port an entire map from UE2 to UE3 you can leverage Unreal Engine’s text-based scene description format (.t3d) which is a way to export all actors in a given level to a human readable text file.Just keep in mind that the file will need to be reparsed with a tool like UT Converter as there are differences with how UE2 and UE3 handle T3D files.https://github.com/xtremexp/UT4X-ConverterI’ve glossed over a Metric Butt-ton of details that would quickly turn this into a wall o’ text that would make a university theses look light in comparison, but hopefully this helps point you in the general direction. (edited)

  2. According to both the UE2 and UE3 documentation ActorX is only designed to be an interchange format between an external DCC apps and the game engine, this was later supplanted by the FBX pipeline later in UE3’s development cycle and has remained largely the same to this day. I can’t find any credible evidence that would suggest that UE3 would be able to ingest UE2 ActorX files. The only real option that I’ve found is to dump all the packages you need with Umodel then bulk impot into 3DS Max, you can then bulk export to FBX with a script like one of these: https://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-exportimport https://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/batch-exporter-1 https://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/...saveexport-objfbx3dsmax-as-objfbx3dsmax-files As for maintaining material assignments I am unaware of any method that allows for that, however when you export a mesh with UModel you will see it generates a text file alongside with the same name as the asset. This text file will contain the material reference which should make it a simple task to re-apply the correct textures from KF1 For example: Materials[1] = { Materials[0] = { Material = Texture'Military.locker_6door' EnableCollision = true } } If you are looking to port an entire map from UE2 to UE3 you can leverage Unreal Engine’s text-based scene description format (.t3d) which is a way to export all actors in a given level to a human readable text file. Just keep in mind that the file will need to be reparsed with a tool like UT Converter as there are differences with how UE2 and UE3 handle T3D files. https://github.com/xtremexp/UT4X-Converter I’ve glossed over a Metric Butt-ton of details that would quickly turn this into a wall o’ text that would make a university theses look light in comparison, but hopefully this helps point you in the general direction. (edited)
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Server Stability of kf2 server in Windows vs Linux

You will quickly discover it is irrelevant what platform you use. KF2 dedicated servers are not stable. Especially if you add mutators.

Here is a generic Windows Powershell script to monitor and restart KF2 instances. The $Processlist variable needs to be updated to have all of your server details. The hardcoded wait time and number of players can also be adjusted as required.

Function New-TitleObject(){
    #Create a object for holding server titles and player count
    $LDefaultObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject
    $LDefaultObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Title                     -value "NOTSET"
    $LDefaultObject | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name PlayerCount               -value "NOTSET"
    return $LDefaultObject
Function Write-LogHost(){
param (
    write-host "$(get-date -UFormat "%d%m%y %H%M") $($LMessage)"
    "$(get-date -UFormat "%d%m%y %H%M") $LMessage" | Out-File -Append -FilePath c:\bin\log.txt

#windows only
#Gets the currently running KF2 windows titles which has the count of players in the game. Returns array of users and titles
Function Get-WindowTitalsAndPlayers(){
    $WindowTitles = Get-Process |where {$_.mainWindowTItle} | where { $_.name -eq "KFServer" } | select mainwindowtitle
    foreach ($WindowTitle in $WindowTitles){
        $TempTitle.Title=$WindowTitle.MainWindowTitle -replace ":.*",''
        $TempTitle.PlayerCount=$WindowTitle.MainWindowTitle -replace ".*?\(",'' -replace " players.*",''
    $WindowTitalsAndPlayers=$WindowTitalsAndPlayers  | sort title
    return $WindowTitalsAndPlayers

#Server name,Binary location,commandline parameters
#Server name is the name of the server in the config file. This will appear in the title of the window.
#Binary location is the location of the kf2 Binary
#commandline parameters are the parameters you wish to pass to the kf2 binary.
@("BAz | HOE | RANKED | Endless | Server1","C:\KF2Server\Binaries\Win64\KFServer.exe"," KF-HorzineArena-B1-v5?Mutator=xxxx?Game=KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_VersusSurvival?Difficulty=3?AllowSeasonalSkins=0?ConfigSubDir=yyyyyy -QueryPort=xxxxx -Port=xxxx -WebAdminPort=xxxx"),
@("BAz | HOE | RANKED | Endless | Server2","C:\KF2Server\Binaries\Win64\KFServer.exe"," KF-HorzineArena-B1-v5?Mutator=xxxx?Game=KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_VersusSurvival?Difficulty=3?AllowSeasonalSkins=0?ConfigSubDir=yyyyyy -QueryPort=xxxxx -Port=xxxx -WebAdminPort=xxxx"),
@("BAz | HOE | RANKED | Endless | Server3","C:\KF2Server\Binaries\Win64\KFServer.exe"," KF-HorzineArena-B1-v5?Mutator=xxxx?Game=KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_VersusSurvival?Difficulty=3?AllowSeasonalSkins=0?ConfigSubDir=yyyyyy -QueryPort=xxxxx -Port=xxxx -WebAdminPort=xxxx")


    #Check all servers are running and restart them. Only restart if there are less than 5 people in game as this causes lagg.
    Get-WindowTitalsAndPlayers | % { $PlayerCount+=$_.playercount }  
    if($GWindowTitalsAndPlayers.count -lt $Processlist.count ){

        if($PlayerCount -lt 50){
            foreach ($KnownProcess in $Processlist){
                if(!($GWindowTitalsAndPlayers.title -contains $KnownProcess[0])){
                    Write-LogHost "Restarting process:$($KnownProcess[1]) $($knownProcess[2])"
                    & "$($KnownProcess[1])" "$($KnownProcess[2])"
                    sleep 30
            Write-LogHost "--"
            Write-LogHost "$(get-date) Server count is $($GWindowTitalsAndPlayers.count) should be $($Processlist.count). Too many users to restart server instance."
            foreach ($KnownProcess in $Processlist){
                if(!($GWindowTitalsAndPlayers.title -contains $KnownProcess[0])){
                    Write-LogHost "Need to restart process:$($KnownProcess[1]) $($knownProcess[2])"
            Write-LogHost "--"
        Write-LogHost "PlayerCount:$($PlayerCount)"
    sleep 60
Thank you baz. I had already made a jump to linux so I haven't had a chance to try this out but expect to later on.
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Level Design Actorx has been deprecated when importing .ase staticmesh?

Sadly none of our LD's have an answer handy, but we've reached out to some other members of the modding/ld community to see if someone does.

Hmmm... that's unfortunate. Is there anybody you know that knows a comprehensive way to port staticmeshes from KF1 into KF2? I messaged RockMax on steam as he's uploaded a ton of KF1 ports to the steam workshop, but I'm waiting on a reply from him as he's on a vacation.
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Level Design Actorx has been deprecated when importing .ase staticmesh?

I've put out some feelers to try and get an answer on this for you.
I would definitely appreciate this, I've picked up working on KF1/KF2 in general but it seems I'm stuck with KF1 at the moment since it has all the compatible assets at my disposal.
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event tickets?

I believe Tripwire won't give out anything special anymore. Their parting gift was a care package with 5 tickets for each event, among other things. It's safe to say they won't be updating the game anymore, unless for some small tweaks maybe.

Then again, I guess they could always make the events automated, let's say for one month each? Something like March (Cyberpunk), July (Summer Sideshow), October (Halloween), December (Twisted Xmas)

Those are only theories though, and Tripwire might totally prove me wrong. But I'd say... Don't count on it. And maybe stock up on tickets from the market as long as they're still fairly cheap.
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Level Design Actorx has been deprecated when importing .ase staticmesh?

Hey all, I'm trying to convert a map from the KFmod over to KF2 and I've used umodel/ut3/ut4 converters and I can get the textures, .t3d level geometry and sound to import but whenever I go to import the .ase files, KF2 SDK gets mad over importing actorx files even though it lists it as a supported file format.

I don't understand how this is even possible other than Epic somehow abandoning support of a slightly old file format during it's development of UDK that KF2 is based on.

I suppose I can try to import it into 3ds max and then export to obj/fbx, keeping the material links intact.

Pic related:


  • Article
Jatimania Hotfix


Jatimania Hotfix
Agents, we are back with a hotfix patch to address some of the bigger issues reported for the Jatimania update.

We are also rolling very focused balancing changes in this hotfix to appease some frustrating aspects around Ace and Octo. We will continue to monitor the balance and discourse around the update to target our next bigger round of balancing tweaks in the near future. For now, let’s have a look.

Player Count Update
We have recently ran an experiment on player count for Solo and Duo and we turned the mic to you to give us your thoughts through a poll on the subject. The results we got were as follows:

Solo lobbies at 8 players
  • 65.5% of responses were positive (score of 4 and 5)
  • 20.7% of responses were neutral (score of 3)
  • 13.8% of responses were negative (score of 1 and 2)

Duo lobbies at 10 players (5 teams)
  • 61.7% of responses were positive (score of 4 and 5)
  • 24.7% of responses were neutral (score of 3)
  • 13.6% of responses were negative (score of 1 and 2)

In light of this clearly positive movement towards the change, we will be changing the player counts of both modes with the drop of the hotfix.

What’s next?
With this decision taken, we can now leverage this new player count to better tweak spawn points and make sure the early game is a more pleasing experience in all maps. Having to juggle with less maximum factions enables us to curate things to a better degree than what is currently live, so expect some live balancing of spawn points that will not require an update on your side in the coming days.

General Changes
Audio Occlusion Polish

We have brought some more work we have done on audio occlusion which includes making sure gadgets have appropriate sound range. We are continuing to refine this aspect of the game and looking at outliers to fix in the sound department.

Keycard Printer Icon Visibility
We have added a bit of verticality to the range at which you can see the icon telling you a Keycard printer is close to you. This should help with a variety of positions where a printer could be very hard to find because of differences in elevation.

Melee Targeting Tweaks
We have upped the range for melee target detection to help with hitting targets on the move. Additionally, we have reduced how wide the detection radius is around the reticule to reduce instances of hitting a target that is on the side of your screen versus one that is at the center.

We are looking for other long term upgrades to the melee attack, but we hope this makes things feel better in the meantime.


The amount of time Ace is able to keep pressure on a victim has been rightfully highlighted as extremely oppressive in the current meta. To address this, we are reducing both the window in which she can apply her status effect after damage and the duration of the status itself.

Base Expertise: Queen’s Gaze
  • Trace duration 25s =>15s
  • Last Target duration 30s => 20s

Expertise Mod 1: Stacked Odds
  • Vulnerable duration 15s =>10s
  • Last Target duration 30s => 20s

The lingering effect when leaving Octo’s field of vision with the “Make’em Fold” ability has been highlighted as feeling bad on the receiving end, giving a feeling of lag.

This change should also make the effect more reliable when a target leaves the field of vision and comes back to re-apply it immediately.

Expertise Mod 2: Make’em Fold
  • Removed the lingering effect after a player left Octo’s field of view. The effect will now disappear instantly when outside.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the aim-assist strength setting that would make it also lower input strength. This setting should now behave correctly.
  • Fixed multiple spawn points where keycards could appear invisible because of clipping.
  • Fixed the extraction car clipping in the snack bar in Fragrant Shore when landing.


  • Larcin throwing his weapon will now break his cover.
  • Fixed an issue where Larcin could throw his weapon while immaterial in the grande finale zone.

Madame Xiu
  • Fixed an issue where Madame Xiu could start her expertise when already considered dead on the server side.
  • Fixed an issue where Madame Xiu could be stuck in her expertise stance when revived in teams.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Octo’s projectile with the Nautilo to deal the wrong value if charging another shot.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Red to use lovebomb infinitely by meleeing at the right time.

  • Sasori will no longer get stuck in a no weapon state if he tries to melee while using Noxious Gas.
  • Coated weaponry sound impacts will now occlude correctly.

Umbrella Shield

  • The handheld shield will no longer protect in directions the player is not looking at while undercover.
  • The shield will no longer trigger the heartbroken status effect in many situations when charmed by Red.

Shoot to pieces

Necromorph style then? I kinda dig it, and would make the game even more of a gory mess than it already is ! But I believe it should be akin to exploding the head of a tougher zed : the zed will slowly bleed out, but they can still attack your team in the meantime. I do wonder if it means every separate limb would need their own "health bar" though... And I don't know how well that would perform in game. Plus, you don't want zeds to be TOO EASY to kill. Kiting endlessly is already a problem... Imagine if you could simply blast the legs of every zeds around and move around at your leisure? I also wonder how zeds like Gorefasts, Gorefiends, Sirens or Fleshpounds would move without their legs...

If anything, blasting away limbs should be doable only when zeds are already at pretty low health, meaning that only one or two shots would be enough to finish them in most cases. Providing mostly visual flare rather than a real strategy unless you're in a very tough spot. That, or zeds could get new abilities when they lose their limbs somehow. Imagine a husk spewing flames from its mouth after getting his cannon blown off !
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  • Article
Player Count Experiment Brief and Poll


Player Count Experiment
Agents, like we discussed last week with the patch notes, we ran an experiment on player count since last weekend to gauge your interest on the matter. We would like to invite you to give your opinions on how much you liked the tweaked player counts in the poll (located here) so we can have an accurate representation of community opinion on the subject.

In the meantime, lobby sizes are back to normal effective immediately while we parse through feedback and poll results to determine our next move.

Thank you for participating!

Server Stability of kf2 server in Windows vs Linux

I can say in the many years I had servers on Linux, it is very stable with default maps and custom maps.
When you add mods and other mutators I guess things can happen.
How much ram did you give your server instances on linux since im running 0 mutators on my instances and they still crash randomly every now and then and running around 90 custom maps on each of them. (1000mb ram per instance currently) which wasn't necessary untill the game kept getting bad updates :) i remember when 700 mb was enough and it would stick to 650mb max.
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Game Crashes When Leaving Server

A shot in the dark, but exit your game, open the file Documents/My Games/KillingFloor2/KFGame/Config/KFEngine.ini and edit the value MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC=179220 to MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC=33476 (and change only this one).
Save the file.
Start the game.

It helped me in the past (don't need it anymore with different hardware). https://forums.tripwireinteractive....nected-from-previous-one.2331860/post-2332939
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Boss idea for KF2/KF3: Surgeon General.

Matriarch is definitely the hardest, but while Hans haven't scared me in years... I still struggle against the Patriarch unless my team is very coordinated. Admittedly, I learned how to deal with him fairly well, even in solo, but he can still chew through players quite fast. But there's no denying that the King Fleshpound is laughable. Sure, his laser beam can deal plenty of damage... but the fact you can simply crouch and dodge it makes the boss a real breeze to defeat.

As for OP's idea though... Yeaaah, no. I must say that I also believe that turning regular zeds into bosses has already grown old. Unless you give them plenty of new abilities, they'll always fall short compared to bosses thought from the beginning as bosses. And even with new abilities, well, that's my point... why not come up with a new boss from the get-go?

Instant kill also doesn't sound fun at all. I'm all for challenging bosses, but that's a bit much, especially if you're a solo player. And since the rest of his kit is pretty much the base Scrake, but stronger... It's really not a very captivating idea at all. Bullet sponges are rarely favored by players.
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  • Article
Post Jatimania Community Brief


Community Brief Jatimania
Agents, we hope you are living your best life as you chase the elusive heights of dreampreneurship. We are currently monitoring your feedback and emerging issues of the Jatimania update in the hope of releasing a hotfix in the next week. Here are some of the big topics we are looking at.

Aim-Assist Settings
We have discovered an issue with how the “aim-assist strength” setting works. To make a long story short: The setting currently not only reduces the aim-assist strength but also the input strength as a whole, making it feel more strong in a lot of cases. This is on the top of our list to get a fix on.

Sound Occlusion Tweaks
We had some sound occlusion fine tuning that did not make it in time for Jatimania, especially around the occlusion settings of gadgets, that we would like to roll out in a future hotfix. We will continue monitoring the behavior of sound occlusion and make adjustments as needed past this.

We are also tracking a variety of issues that do not neatly fit with the two above subjects. We are looking to prioritize fixes on the most pressing ones as they come, so stay tuned for details on bugs we will be tackling in the short term.