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Random Bugsplat crashes while ingame


FNG / Fresh Meat
Jul 22, 2018
A Good Day!

So, since I just did a complete Windows reinstallation and it still won't work, I figured it would be best to bother you with my log files.

My Problem:
Game crashes every session. Most cases I am able to play for around 10-15 minutes. The Bugsplats occure without any previous signs or bugs.
Game freezes for 2 secs, Black screen and Desktop here we come. I always get the Bugsplat, and a Pop up that says, that it is not enough space in my Temp folder to create a log/Report file (but my hard drives are far from their full capacity).
Sometimes I am lucky to get through a full game, but this is a rare experience.

RS/RO works without a problem. So far I invested several hours and tried all the possible fixes that google provided me.
Of course I have updated drivers and tried all of the .log file/deleting approaches.
So yesterday I reinstalled windows, in case an update is interfering or something. Reinstalled the game already several times on my SSD, or SATA.
But. Suprise, suprise, Bugsplats are still pouring down upon me.
I lost all hope at this point. A pitty.

My Specs:
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
Graphics: Radeon RX 470
Processor: AMD FX-8350
Memory: 8GB Ram

Attached is the .log file.
In case you are able to help me out, I will love you infinitely!

Cheers & Mucho Amore!

Log: Log file open, 07/21/18 21:13:27
Init: Memory Profiling : Disabled
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
Log:  ... running in INSTALLED mode
Init: Version: 7258
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled (64-bit): Jul 10 2018 12:49:04
Init: Changelist: 230776
Init: Command line: 
Init: Base directory: D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\
DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ..\..\ROGame\Config\ROInput.ini
[0000.40] Init: Computer: BURNER-PC
[0000.42] Init: User: Burner
[0000.42] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8
[0000.42] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.897779 MHz
[0000.42] Init: Memory total: Physical=8.0GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=10.7GB Virtual=131072.0GB
[0001.14] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1
[0001.14] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
[0001.14] Init: Object subsystem initialized
[0001.28] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
[0001.41] Init: 
[0001.41] Init: System Settings:
[0001.41] Init:     StaticDecals=true
[0001.41] Init:     DynamicDecals=true
[0001.41] Init:     UnbatchedDecals=true
[0001.41] Init:     DynamicLights=true
[0001.41] Init:     DynamicShadows=true
[0001.41] Init:     LightEnvironmentShadows=true
[0001.41] Init:     CompositeDynamicLights=true
[0001.41] Init:     SHSecondaryLighting=true
[0001.41] Init:     DirectionalLightmaps=true
[0001.41] Init:     MotionBlur=false
[0001.41] Init:     MotionBlurPause=true
[0001.41] Init:     DepthOfField=true
[0001.41] Init:     AmbientOcclusion=false
[0001.41] Init:     Bloom=true
[0001.41] Init:     AdaptiveBloom=false
[0001.41] Init:     UseHighQualityBloom=true
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowLightShafts=true
[0001.41] Init:     Distortion=false
[0001.41] Init:     FilteredDistortion=false
[0001.41] Init:     DropParticleDistortion=false
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowDownsampledTranslucency=false
[0001.41] Init:     SpeedTreeLeaves=true
[0001.41] Init:     bUseMaxQualityMode=false
[0001.41] Init:     SpeedTreeFronds=true
[0001.41] Init:     OnlyStreamInTextures=false
[0001.41] Init:     LensFlares=true
[0001.41] Init:     FogVolumes=true
[0001.41] Init:     OneFrameThreadLag=true
[0001.41] Init:     UseVsync=false
[0001.41] Init:     UpscaleScreenPercentage=true
[0001.41] Init:     Fullscreen=true
[0001.41] Init:     AllowRadialBlur=true
[0001.41] Init:     bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=false
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering=false
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowBetterModulatedShadows=true
[0001.41] Init:     bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld=true
[0001.41] Init:     bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing=true
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows=true
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowFracturedDamage=true
[0001.41] Init:     bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=false
[0001.41] Init:     bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights=false
[0001.41] Init:     LightFunctions=false
[0001.41] Init:     MotionBlurNonGameplay=false
[0001.41] Init:     AllowMLAA=false
[0001.41] Init:     AllowFXAA=true
[0001.41] Init:     AllowHumanIK=true
[0001.41] Init:     UseOneWayRelevancyChecks=true
[0001.41] Init:     DoFacingRelevancyChecks=false
[0001.41] Init:     NotFacingNotRelevant=true
[0001.41] Init:     CycleNetConnectionOrder=true
[0001.41] Init:     CycleAdvancedChecks=true
[0001.41] Init:     DoPawnVelocityRelevancePrediction=true
[0001.41] Init:     SimpleTeamRelevancyChecks=true
[0001.41] Init:     IgnoreCPUSaturationForRelevancy=false
[0001.41] Init:     EnableSteamStats=true
[0001.41] Init:     UseTripleBuffering=false
[0001.41] Init:     bAllowShadowGroups=true
[0001.41] Init:     AllowFluidSimulation=false
[0001.41] Init:     Borderless=false
[0001.41] Init:     InstancedRendering=true
[0001.41] Init:     SkeletalMeshLODBias=0
[0001.41] Init:     ParticleLODBias=0
[0001.41] Init:     DetailMode=2
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowFilterQualityBias=0
[0001.41] Init:     MaxAnisotropy=4
[0001.41] Init:     MaxMultisamples=1
[0001.41] Init:     MinShadowResolution=64
[0001.41] Init:     MinPreShadowResolution=8
[0001.41] Init:     MaxShadowResolution=1024
[0001.41] Init:     MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution=1536
[0001.41] Init:     ResX=1600
[0001.41] Init:     ResY=900
[0001.41] Init:     UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades=3
[0001.41] Init:     WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold=50
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowFadeResolution=25
[0001.41] Init:     PreShadowFadeResolution=16
[0001.41] Init:     ROSystemSettingsVer=3
[0001.41] Init:     GraphicsQualitySetting=1
[0001.41] Init:     CharacterQualityDetail=2
[0001.41] Init:     TextureQualityDetail=3
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowQualityDetail=2
[0001.41] Init:     LightQualityDetail=2
[0001.41] Init:     PostProcessQualityDetail=2
[0001.41] Init:     OcclusionCullingQuality=0
[0001.41] Init:     FXQualityDetail=3
[0001.41] Init:     SoundQuality=0
[0001.41] Init:     SLSNativeResX=1600
[0001.41] Init:     SLSNativeResY=900
[0001.41] Init:     NumHorizontalDisplayArray=0
[0001.41] Init:     NumVerticalDisplayArray=0
[0001.41] Init:     BezelCorrectionX=0
[0001.41] Init:     BezelCorrectionY=0
[0001.41] Init:     FXAAPresetLevel=3
[0001.41] Init:     NumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades=1
[0001.41] Init:     ScreenPercentage=100.000
[0001.41] Init:     SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     FoliageDrawRadiusMultiplier=1.100
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowTexelsPerPixel=2.000
[0001.41] Init:     PreShadowResolutionFactor=0.500
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowFilterRadius=2.000
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowDepthBias=0.000
[0001.41] Init:     CSMSplitPenumbraScale=0.500
[0001.41] Init:     CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale=4.000
[0001.41] Init:     CSMSplitDepthBiasScale=0.700
[0001.41] Init:     UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius=20000.000
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowFadeExponent=0.250
[0001.41] Init:     NumFracturedPartsScale=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     FractureCullDistanceScale=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     DecalCullDistanceScale=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle=48.000
[0001.41] Init:     SceneBrightness=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     WholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius=500.000
[0001.41] Init:     CascadeDistributionExponent=3.000
[0001.41] Init:     SimpleRelevancyCheckDistance=5000.000
[0001.41] Init:     ROPawnAlwaysRelevantDistanceOverride=0.000
[0001.41] Init:     LowNetBandwidthFactorOverride=0.000
[0001.41] Init:     DOFBlurValResolutionFactor=1.000
[0001.41] Init:     ForceUpdateAnimationRadius=500.000
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowGroupRadiusRampUpFactor=1.200
[0001.41] Init:     MinShadowGroupRadius=250.000
[0001.41] Init:     MaxShadowGroupRadius=2000.000
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowGroupRampCutoff=2000.000
[0001.41] Init:     DynamicPreshadowCutoff=1000.000
[0001.41] Init: Friendly System Settings:
[0001.41] Init:     TextureDetail=Custom
[0001.41] Init:     WorldDetail=Custom
[0001.41] Init:     ShadowDetail=Custom
[0001.41] Init:     bUseVSync=0
[0001.41] Init:     bUseMSAA=0
[0001.41] Init:     ScreenPercentage=100
[0001.41] Init:     UpscaleScreenPercentage=1
[0001.41] Init:     ResX=1600
[0001.41] Init:     ResY= 900
[0001.41] Init:     Fullscreen=1
[0002.26] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM5
[0002.31] Log: PhysX GPU Support: ENABLED
[0002.57] Log: Loading anticheat from D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\EasyAntiCheat/easyanticheat_x64.dll
[0002.63] Log: Loaded anticheat DLL
[0002.63] Log: Loaded anticheat init
[0002.63] Log: Anticheat localization not available. You're getting English.
[0019.63] Log: 197808 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
[0019.63] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
[0019.63] Log: [ContentLoading] Loading seek-free shader cache in game content package : ROGameContent
[0019.63] Log: Initializing Engine...
[0019.65] Log: Called USteamWorkshopDownload::CleanUp
[0019.65] Log: Looking for DLC...
[0019.75] Log: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2015.1.8 Build 5618. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved.
[0021.80] Log: AMD driver version: , build version: 18.10.16-180516a-328911C-RadeonSoftwareAdrenalin
[0021.80] Log: Detected 1 Crossfire CPUs for rendering
[0021.99] Log: Initializing Steamworks
[0021.99] Log: Setting GSteamUtils to client in InitSteamworks
[0021.99] Log: Logged in as 'YMC_Uterus'
[0022.06] ScriptLog: ROGameViewportClient::PreBrowse() - Address: ROEntry?Name=Player?Team=255
[0022.13] Log: LoadMap: ROEntry?Name=Player?Team=255
[0022.98] Log: Game class is 'ROGameInfo'
[0022.98] Log: Paths were last successfully built on: 03/01/18 14:08:05
[0023.08] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0023.08] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0023.10] Log: Bringing World ROEntry.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2018.07.21-21.13.49
[0023.10] ScriptLog: Inopt =  Options = ?Name=Player?Team=255
[0023.14] ScriptLog: [Content Loading] ROGameInfo::PreBeginPlay() - Begin preloading shared content for ROMapInfo_0. Net mode = NM_Standalone
[0023.14] ScriptLog: [ContentLoading] Preloading shared content for Northern team
[0023.14] ScriptLog: [ContentLoading] Preloading shared content for Southern team
[0023.14] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.143970
[0023.14] ScriptLog: Registering online delegates for ROPlayerController_0 (Player:LocalPlayer_0)
[0023.20] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 1.075649 seconds
[0023.33] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
[0048.43] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 48.43s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[0157.89] SteamInfo: ROServerBrowser-Server failed to respond ip-
[0163.65] ScriptLog: (ROUIScene_ServerBrowser_0) ROUISceneOnlineGameSearch::None:OnJoinGameComplete bSuccessful:'True'
[0163.65] ScriptLog: (ROUIScene_ServerBrowser_0) ROUISceneOnlineGameSearch::None:OnJoinGameComplete - Join Game Successful, Traveling:
[0163.68] ScriptLog: ROGameViewportClient::PreBrowse() - Address:
[0163.68] Warning: InsertScene: Duplicate scene tag (ROUIScene_ConnectingAndDownloading) detected: NewScene 'ROUISceneConnecting ROGameMenus.MainMenu.ROUIScene_ConnectingAndDownloading' ExistingScene 'ROUISceneConnecting Transient.ROUIScene_ConnectingAndDownloading_0'
[0167.22] Log: LoadMap:
[0168.61] ScriptLog: Clearing online delegates for ROPlayerController_0 (Player:LocalPlayer_0)
[0168.61] ScriptLog: ClearAllOnlineDelegates
[0215.64] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
[0215.64] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
[0215.97] Log: No Cached Brush Physics Data Found Or Out Of Date (Model_7) (Owner: BlockingVolume_275) - Cooking Now.
[0215.97] Log: Total Polygon Area invalid: 0.000000
[0215.99] Log: Bringing World VNTE-NinhPhu.TheWorld up for play (1905) at 2018.07.21-21.17.02
[0216.18] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 1.077748
[0216.21] Log: Flushing async loaders.
[0216.30] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 49.086481 seconds
[0239.58] ScriptLog: Clearing online delegates for ROPlayerController_1 (Player:None)
[0239.60] ScriptLog: Registering online delegates for ROPlayerController_2 (Player:LocalPlayer_0)
[0239.66] Log: Image at URL 'empty' is an unsupported format
[0239.77] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For Actor: VNTE-NinhPhu.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.ROPlaceableSpawn_0 Component: StaticMeshComponent_175 StaticMesh: ENV_VN_Tunnels.Mesh.S_ENV_TunnelExit (Scale: 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000)
[0239.79] ScriptLog: Not adding PRI for player YMC_Uterus
[0239.79] ScriptLog: Not adding PRI for player <<TeamChatProxy>>
[0239.79] ScriptLog: [Content Loading] ROPlayerController::ReceivedGameClass() - Begin preloading shared content for ROMapInfo_0. Net mode = NM_Client
[0239.79] ScriptLog: [ContentLoading] Preloading shared content for Northern team
[0239.79] ScriptLog: [ContentLoading] Preloading shared content for Southern team
[0239.79] Log: Image at URL '' is an unsupported format
[0239.79] Log: Image at URL '' is an unsupported format
[0239.83] ScriptLog: Failed to play voice/dialog - invalid team
[0239.84] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_82 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0240.85] ScriptLog: Not adding PRI for player <<TeamChatProxy>>
[0240.87] ScriptLog: Failed to play voice/dialog - invalid team
[0240.89] ScriptLog: Failed to play voice/dialog - invalid team
[0256.50] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0256.50] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0256.50] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0256.50] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0269.42] Log: Spatialized VOIP: Created new UAudioComponent for player UID: 76561198021103442, Component Address: 0000023370250D50
[0278.71] Log: Spatialized VOIP: Removing inactive spatialized VOIP AudioComponent for player UID: 76561198021103442
[0279.91] Log: Spatialized VOIP: Created new UAudioComponent for player UID: 76561198021103442, Component Address: 000002337024EF10
[0286.64] Log: Spatialized VOIP: Removing inactive spatialized VOIP AudioComponent for player UID: 76561198021103442
[0318.49] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_994 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0334.63] Warning: ROPawn::FitCollision() failed to find a good spot for RONorthPawn_77
[0352.48] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0352.48] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0352.48] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0352.48] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0378.90] Log: Spatialized VOIP: Created new UAudioComponent for player UID: 76561198053632260, Component Address: 00000233D9B32C30
[0379.76] Log: Spatialized VOIP: Removed UAudioComponent from inactive pawn for player UID: 76561198053632260
[0402.48] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0402.48] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0402.48] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0402.48] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0448.67] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_3066 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0479.08] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_3465 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0486.40] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_3502 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0487.06] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_3512 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0489.51] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0489.51] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0489.51] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0489.51] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0538.15] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_4407 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0551.50] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0551.50] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0551.50] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0551.50] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0577.39] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_5089 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0579.52] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0579.52] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0579.52] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0579.52] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0594.09] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_5475 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0637.55] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0637.55] Log: UnHideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0637.55] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0637.55] Log: HideBone: Invalid BoneIndex
[0665.68] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_6840 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0752.78] Log: IK : Weapon attachment ROSkeletalMeshComponent_7983 does not have the IK bones set up correctly. IK will be disabled
[0802.36] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
[0802.89] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
[0803.39] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
[0803.90] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
[0807.31] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
[0808.64] Critical: appError called: Assertion failed: VertexBuffer->Resource is NULL [File:G:\AMG_RS2_SteamHotfixBuild\RS2_Hotfix\Development\Src\D3D11Drv\Src\D3D11VertexBuffer.cpp] [Line: 63]

Stack: Address = 0xa536e39  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xaf0eb72  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad47e1b  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad38d5d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad388f1  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7abe0f  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7adbe0  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ab562  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a9f49  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ae3d2  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a1c7d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa79223e  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa792619  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa56d290  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xd9588364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]

[0808.64] Critical: Windows GetLastError: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0)
[0809.54] Critical: appError called: Rendering thread exception:
Assertion failed: VertexBuffer->Resource is NULL [File:G:\AMG_RS2_SteamHotfixBuild\RS2_Hotfix\Development\Src\D3D11Drv\Src\D3D11VertexBuffer.cpp] [Line: 63]

Stack: Address = 0xa536e39  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xaf0eb72  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad47e1b  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad38d5d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad388f1  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7abe0f  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7adbe0  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ab562  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a9f49  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ae3d2  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a1c7d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa79223e  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa792619  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa56d290  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xd9588364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]

Address = 0xd8377788 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll]
Address = 0xa5690a5  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa52623d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa536eac  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xaf0eb72  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad47e1b  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad38d5d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad388f1  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7abe0f  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7adbe0  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ab562  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a9f49  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ae3d2  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a1c7d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa79223e  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa792619  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa56d290  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xd9588364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]

[0809.54] Critical: Windows GetLastError: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. (2)
[0809.54] Log: === Critical error: ===
Rendering thread exception:
Assertion failed: VertexBuffer->Resource is NULL [File:G:\AMG_RS2_SteamHotfixBuild\RS2_Hotfix\Development\Src\D3D11Drv\Src\D3D11VertexBuffer.cpp] [Line: 63]

Stack: Address = 0xa536e39  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xaf0eb72  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad47e1b  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad38d5d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad388f1  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7abe0f  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7adbe0  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ab562  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a9f49  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ae3d2  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a1c7d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa79223e  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa792619  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa56d290  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xd9588364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]

Address = 0xd8377788 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll]
Address = 0xa5690a5  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa52623d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa536eac  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xaf0eb72  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad47e1b  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad38d5d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xad388f1  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7abe0f  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7adbe0  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ab562  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a9f49  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7ae3d2  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa7a1c7d  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa79223e  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa792619  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xa56d290  (filename not found) [in D:\Programme\Steam\steamapps\common\Rising Storm 2\Binaries\win64\VNGame.exe]
Address = 0xd9588364 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]
Address = 0xdbd85e91 (filename not found) [in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll]