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About Respawn


FNG / Fresh Meat
Jul 7, 2017
class AutoRespawn extends KFGameInfo_Survival;

var array<Controller> PendingSpawners;

var bool bBossDied;

var array<Controller> FakedPlayers;

function Killed(Controller Killer, Controller KilledPlayer, Pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageType)


Super.Killed(Killer, KilledPlayer, KilledPawn, damageType);

if(KFPlayerController(KilledPlayer)!= None )


KilledPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo.bForceNetUpdate = true;

if( PendingSpawners.Find(KilledPlayer) < 0 )


//Respawn player after 3 secs

SetTimer(3, false, 'RestartPlayer');



function RespawnPlayers()


local int i;

local Controller PC;

local bool bSpawned;

for( i=0; i < PendingSpawners.Length; i++ )


PC = PendingSpawners;

PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.bForceNetUpdate = true;

if( !bSpawned ) // Spawn only one player at a time


bSpawned = true;


PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.bForceNetUpdate = true;





/* Spawn the Player */

function RestartPlayer(Controller NewPlayer)


// Super.RestartPlayer(NewPlayer);

if( NewPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo != None )


WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(NewPlayer,NewPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo.GetHumanReadableName()@" has been revived ");




function RespawnSpectators()


if( KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game) != none )






function BossDied(Controller Killer, optional bool bCheckWaveEnded )


bBossDied = true;


function Logout( Controller Exiting )


// Clean PendingSpawners on Logout

if( PendingSpawners.Find(Exiting) != -1 )


Super.Logout( Exiting );


function StartMatch()





function EndOfMatch(bool bVictory)


if(bBossDied == true)






function bool AddFakedPlayer()


local KFGameInfo KFGI;

local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI;

local int NumCurrentPlayers;

local KFAIController KFBot;

Local KFPawn_Human KFPH;

local Vector SpawnLocation;

NumCurrentPlayers = GetNumPlayers() + FakedPlayers.Length;

//Don't add faked players if the Max Players Allowed is reached

if(NumCurrentPlayers == MaxPlayersAllowed )

return false;

//replace with self?

KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game);

/* Begin Copy Paste from KFCheatManager.SpawnHumanPawn */

KFPH = Spawn(class'KFPawn_Human', , , SpawnLocation);


// Create a new Controller for this Bot

KFBot = Spawn(class'KFAIController');

// Set Bot name

WorldInfo.Game.ChangeName(KFBot, "Faked Player", false);

// Add Bot to a team and set other stuff

KFGI.SetTeam(KFBot, KFGI.Teams[0]);

KFBot.Possess(KFPH, false);

KFBot.bGodMode = true;

KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFBot.PlayerReplicationInfo);

// Set the same Character used by the current player and other perk stuff


KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass = Class'KFPlayerController'.default.PerkList[1].PerkClass;

KFPRI.NetPerkIndex = 1;

if( KFPRI != none )


KFPRI.PLayerHealthPercent = FloatToByte( float(KFPH.Health) / float(KFPH.HealthMax) );

KFPRI.PLayerHealth = KFPH.Health;



/* End Copy Paste from KFCheatManager.SpawnHumanPawn */


// Show Message

// BroadcastLocalizedMessage( class'STMLocalMessage_Game', GMT_AddedFakedPlayer, Sender.PlayerReplicationInfo);

return true;


/* Remove a Faked Player */

function bool RemoveFakedPlayer()


local Controller KFBot;

local int LastBotIndex;

// Exit if there are no faked players to remove

if(FakedPlayers.Length == 0)

return false;

LastBotIndex = FakedPlayers.Length-1;

KFBot = FakedPlayers[LastBotIndex];




// Show Message

// BroadcastLocalizedMessage(class'STMLocalMessage_Game', GMT_RemovedFakedPlayer, Sender.PlayerReplicationInfo);

return true;



Above is my AutoRespawn Code,
because I don't really know how to properly respawn players,
so I copied some code from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=643313659
and there comes many problems..
First,only the player who died at the end of match respawned,other players won't respawn after they died.
Second, because I naively thought that if I added some faked player, then the match won't end because there were faked player alive,but it totally gone wrong,the match still end with faked player alive and real player all dead.
So I'm here to seek you guys' opinions,hope to improve my code here..
Much thanks :D
Not sure I can get your code working but it has a lot of issues, perhaps clearing some of them up will get things working better.
  • Please use [ code ] and [ /code ] (without the spaces inside the brackets) when posting code on the forums, the harder the code is to read the harder it is to fix it.
  • This is probably due to the first point not happening but formatting your code better (proper spacing, removing unnecessary empty vertical lines, etc) also makes it easier to read. Following these first two points we get the following:
  • With that out of the way we can begin to identify problems. RespawnSpectators() is inside a comment block and the function doesn't exist in any of the parents of your class, so there's no need for it to be here.
  • If your only goal is to respawn players three seconds after they die, I doubt you need anything to do with faking players. Even if that helps in some way, you're probably achieving the desired effect with improper and/or inefficient implementation.
  • BossDied() has been completely overwritten just to set the boolean variable bBossDied. Pretty sure you need a call to the super here if you want to kill any bosses and have the game mode end properly.
  • Furthermore, said boolean variable bBossDied is only used in EndOfMatch(), which takes in a boolean parameter called bVictory. It's no guarantee but I think bVictory will serve your purposes, judging how it's named. Just make sure not to gate the call to super inside of your 'if' check, it probably needs to be called regardless of what the boolean value is, otherwise there would be no point to this function having that parameter at all.
  • RespawnPlayers() is a nice function that seems to do what it's named... It's too bad I don't see anything calling it, otherwise it could actually do something.
  • RespawnPlayers() part 2; That said, it could be a bit more efficient if all it does is respawn the first player, something a bit more like this;

Hopefully something above helped in some way.
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