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The game is literally bugged up!

Guys! no personal arguments, please!..
I would agree that getting the kill counter removed would remove much of the Doucebaggery, but then again it would take a lot of fun away from the game. Is the game even being supported by developers, anymore?.


Yeah, there has been a lot of support over the time its been out, and its still coming.

Right now it's slowed due to the fact that the same devs are finishing their new game (RO2), but will probably return after their after-RO2 party.
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Because I know what wave they're on when I join a game.

When you get to the class/perk selection screen, it displays wave and remaining zed count, also, if the server allows specs, you could join as one from the server listing, and then see what is going on and ask if they mind you joining.
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Stupid casual yanks ruined our good ol' KF. Before the sale, I remember of being able to join into praticly ANY server and play with a team that actually played as a team, with Medic's helping Support's Weld doors, Commando's killing groups of Clots gangraping teammates...

I miss those days when KF wasn't filled with dosh hogging idiots ;_;
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Right now it's slowed due to the fact that the same devs are finishing their new game (RO2), but will probably return after their after-RO2 party.

Actually, they're going to add two extra fully modeled tanks to HOES asap, so I wouldn't expect anymore KF updates until that. Personally, I'm not expecting any major changes to the game anymore.
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I believe people need to be punished for this. The worst is when i join a server where they're like, 6/10 in the waves, and refuse to give me ANY money whatsoever, not even some damn 100 cash.... And when I'm stuck with some bad weapons such as the dual guns, they still refuse to help me survive. I'm just "in their way, stealing their kills"...Eh...:confused:

Punished for what? For not giving you money? Why should we? I give money to people in later waves depending on a few things.

1) Do I need the cash more?
2) Do I need armor?
3) Does a friend of mine need the money?
4) Does the new player have enough time to actually get to the trader and out in time? You best believe I don't give any money to someone who is running to the trader with 20 seconds left while everyone else is already out. The new player will get trapped and will rage quit. Happens all the time.
5) Is the new player level 6? I'll usually give money to a lvl 5 as well, but anything lower doesn't get my cash. Hell, I won't even heal a lvl 4 or lower on HoE. Better he die and the team gets a better player.
6) Will the money do any good? Say a lvl 6 commando joins on HoE on lvl 6. How much money does he need? Armor, ammo, and a SCAR. I'm not tossing him 400 so he can fight with armor and a full AK. What good is he going to do with that? Nothing.

Maybe you shouldn't be up front with dual guns while EVERYONE ELSE WITH TOP TIERED PERKED WEAPONS ARE KILLING JUNK. You are in the way. You best believe I'd be pissed if I was putting rounds downrange with a fully perked SCAR and some nimrod with dual 9mm was blocking my shots.

This is why EVERYONE should always join the game as a level 6 sharpie. You join the game with a perked 9mm and a very powerful xbow. This also allows the player to fight from the back. If anyone gives you any money, 150 buys you the HC. Ammo boxes gives you two 9mm magazines. And on the next wave, you sell that xbow for 600 and switch to any other perk you want and you have the cash to outfit yourself and not be a burden to the team.

Just remember that you are joining a game in progress and they don't owe you anything. You are supposed to bring something to the party, not expect others to carry you. And if every team is telling you that you are in the way, well, there is probably a good reason for that.
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I rarely have this problem on Hell servers. Maybe the occasional griefer. Elitists exist, but most of the time if someone tells you how to play on Hell they're either trying to be helpful or you actually do suck and haven't realized it yet.

Of course, since I am often the first one to start a Hell game in the early morning hours, the people who show up are generally a bit enthusiastic about KF.

It's true about the healing, though - I think people are so used to players that never heal anyone else that they don't even try to heal teammates when they're both wounded because they don't trust the other player to return the favor.

As for money - that's your responsibility. KF is capitalist, you can ask for charitable donations but the government isn't going to tax the rest of the players to kit you out. :p
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