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Code Manifest Reference


Grizzled Veteran
Aug 17, 2006
Everything listed here is derived from the actor class and to my understanding should thus should be replaceable using the the checkreplacement technique. To my understanding, this should include classes that aren't necessarily objects. IE ROConsolePlayerController. I haven't been able to load a mutator to test this yet.

Credit goes to boristsr for pointing me to the checkreplacement technique

Checkreplacement technique:
In your mutator, add this function:
function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other)
    if(Other.IsA('UTPawn') && !Other.IsA('HTCorpSecPawn'))
    return true;
But replace the class names with the ones you want

Then add this function as well

/* ReplaceWith()
 * Call this function to replace an actor Other with an actor of aClass.
 * @note: doesn't destroy the original; can return false from CheckReplacement() to do that
function bool ReplaceWith(actor Other, string aClassName)
    local Actor A;
    local class<Actor> aClass;
    local PickupFactory OldFactory, NewFactory;

    if ( aClassName == "" )
        return true;

    aClass = class<Actor>(DynamicLoadObject(aClassName, class'Class'));
    if ( aClass != None )
        A = Spawn(aClass,Other.Owner,,Other.Location, Other.Rotation);
        if (A != None)
            OldFactory = PickupFactory(Other);
            NewFactory = PickupFactory(A);
            if (OldFactory != None && NewFactory != None)
                OldFactory.ReplacementFactory = NewFactory;
                NewFactory.OriginalFactory = OldFactory;
    return ( A != None );
manifest reference:
 1 Actor Engine [A]
  2 ApexDestructibleActor Engine [P]
  2 Brush Engine []
   3 BrushShape Engine [P]
   3 Volume Engine []
    4 BlockingVolume Engine [P]
     5 DynamicBlockingVolume Engine [P]
     5 GameCameraBlockingVolume GameFramework [P]
    4 ColorScaleVolume Engine [P]
    4 CullDistanceVolume Engine [P]
    4 EnvironmentVolume Engine [P]
    4 FoliageFactory Engine [P]
    4 LevelGridVolume Engine [P]
    4 LevelStreamingVolume Engine [P]
    4 LightmassCharacterIndirectDetailVolume Engine [P]
    4 LightmassImportanceVolume Engine [P]
    4 LightVolume Engine [P]
    4 MassiveLODOverrideVolume Engine [P]
    4 NavMeshBoundsVolume Engine [P]
    4 NxGenericForceFieldBrush Engine [P]
    4 PathBlockingVolume Engine [P]
    4 PhysicsVolume Engine [P]
     5 DefaultPhysicsVolume Engine []
     5 DynamicPhysicsVolume Engine [P]
     5 GravityVolume Engine [P]
     5 LadderVolume Engine [P]
     5 WaterVolume Engine []
    4 PortalVolume Engine [P]
    4 PostProcessVolume Engine [P]
    4 PrecomputedVisibilityOverrideVolume Engine [P]
    4 PrecomputedVisibilityVolume Engine [P]
    4 ProcBuilding Engine [P]
    4 RB_ForceFieldExcludeVolume Engine [P]
    4 ReverbVolume Engine [P]
     5 ReverbVolumeToggleable Engine [P]
    4 ROPlaceableVolume ROGame [P]
    4 ROVolumeAmmoResupply ROGame [P]
    4 ROVolumeMapBoundary ROGame [P]
    4 ROVolumeMapBounds ROGame [P]
    4 ROVolumeNoArtillery ROGame [P]
    4 ROVolumePlayerStartGroup ROGame [P]
     5 ROVolumePlayerStartGroupTankCrew ROGame [P]
    4 ROVolumeSpawnProtection ROGame [P]
    4 TestSplittingVolume Engine [P]
    4 TriggerVolume Engine [P]
     5 DynamicTriggerVolume Engine [P]
     5 ROTriggerVolume ROGame [P]
  2 Camera Engine []
   3 GamePlayerCamera GameFramework []
   3 ROPlayerCamera ROGame []
  2 CameraActor Engine [P]
   3 DynamicCameraActor Engine []
   3 ROCameraActorViewpoint ROGame [P]
   3 ROSpawnCameraActor ROGame [P]
  2 CCSPerceptionManagerHolder Grip []
   3 CCSTankPerceptionManagerHolder ROGame []
  2 Controller Engine [A]
   3 AIController Engine []
    4 CCSController Grip []
     5 CCSTankController ROGame []
    4 GameAIController GameFramework [A]
     5 ROAIController ROGame []
    4 ROMonsterController ROGame []
   3 PlayerController Engine []
    4 Admin Engine []
     5 MessagingSpectator WebAdmin []
      6 ChatLog WebAdmin []
      6 TeamChatProxy WebAdmin []
    4 DebugCameraController Engine []
     5 RODebugCameraController ROGame []
    4 GamePlayerController GameFramework [A]
     5 MobileMenuPlayerController GameFramework []
     5 ROPlayerController ROGame []
      6 DemoRecSpectator ROGame []
      6 ROConsolePlayerController ROGame []
  2 CrowdAgentBase Engine [A]
   3 GameCrowdAgent GameFramework [PA]
    4 GameCrowdAgentSkeletal GameFramework [PA]
  2 CrowdPopulationManagerBase Engine [A]
   3 GameCrowdPopulationManager GameFramework []
  2 DecalActorBase Engine [A]
   3 DecalActor Engine [P]
   3 DecalActorMovable Engine [P]
  2 DecalManager Engine []
  2 DMC_Base Engine [P]
  2 DroppedPickup Engine []
   3 RODroppedPickup ROGame []
  2 DynamicSMActor Engine [A]
   3 DynamicSMActor_Spawnable Engine []
   3 InterpActor Engine [P]
    4 InterpActor_ForCinematic Engine [P]
    4 ROInterpActor ROGame [P]
   3 KActor Engine [P]
    4 GameKActorSpawnableEffect GameFramework []
     5 ROKActorSpawnableEffect ROGame []
    4 KActorFromStatic Engine []
    4 KActorSpawnable Engine []
  2 Emitter Engine [P]
   3 EmitterCameraLensEffectBase Engine [PA]
   3 EmitterSpawnable Engine []
   3 ROEmitter ROGame []
    4 ROEmit_HitEffect ROGame []
     5 ROEmit_BloodSpray ROGame []
  2 EmitterPool Engine []
   3 ROEmitterPool ROGame []
  2 FluidInfluenceActor Engine [P]
  2 FluidSurfaceActor Engine [P]
   3 FluidSurfaceActorMovable Engine [P]
  2 FracturedStaticMeshActor Engine [P]
   3 FracturedSMActorSpawnable Engine [P]
   3 FracturedStaticMeshPart Engine []
  2 FractureManager Engine []
  2 GameCrowdInteractionPoint GameFramework [PA]
   3 GameCrowdDestination GameFramework [P]
    4 DynamicGameCrowdDestination GameFramework [P]
    4 GameCrowdInteractionDestination GameFramework [P]
   3 GameCrowdDestinationQueuePoint GameFramework [P]
   3 GameCrowdForcePoint GameFramework [PA]
    4 GameCrowdAttractor GameFramework [P]
    4 GameCrowdRepulsor GameFramework [P]
  2 GameCrowdReplicationActor GameFramework []
  2 GameExplosionActor GameFramework [A]
  2 HUD Engine []
   3 DebugCameraHUD Engine []
    4 RODebugCameraHUD ROGame []
   3 MobileHUD GameFramework []
   3 ROHUD ROGame []
  2 Info Engine [A]
   3 AccessControl Engine []
    4 ROAccessControl ROGame []
   3 AdminCommandHandler WebAdmin []
   3 AutoTestManager Engine []
   3 BasicWebAdminUser WebAdmin []
    4 MultiWebAdminUser WebAdmin []
   3 BroadcastHandler Engine []
    4 ROBroadcastHandler ROGame []
   3 CoverGroup Engine [P]
    4 ROCoverGroup ROGame [P]
   3 ExponentialHeightFog Engine [P]
   3 FileWriter Engine []
    4 FileLog Engine []
   3 FogVolumeDensityInfo Engine [A]
    4 FogVolumeConeDensityInfo Engine [A]
    4 FogVolumeConstantDensityInfo Engine [P]
    4 FogVolumeLinearHalfspaceDensityInfo Engine [P]
    4 FogVolumeSphericalDensityInfo Engine [P]
   3 GameInfo Engine []
    4 FrameworkGame GameFramework []
    4 MobileMenuGame GameFramework []
    4 PlayerCollectorGame GameFramework []
    4 ROGameInfo ROGame []
     5 ROGameInfoAttrition ROGame []
     5 ROGameInfoFirefight ROGame []
     5 ROGameInfoInfantrySupremacy ROGame []
     5 ROGameInfoTerritories ROGame []
      6 ROGameInfoCountdown ROGame []
       7 ROGameInfoSinglePlayer ROGame []
     5 ROSPGameInfo ROGame []
      6 ROGameInfoSkirmish ROGame []
   3 HeightFog Engine [P]
   3 InternetLink IpDrv []
    4 TcpLink IpDrv []
     5 WebConnection IpDrv []
      6 WebConnectionEx WebAdmin []
     5 WebServer IpDrv []
   3 Landscape Engine [P]
   3 Mutator Engine [A]
   3 PCCleanUp WebAdmin []
   3 PotentialClimbWatcher Engine []
   3 ReplicationInfo Engine [A]
    4 CoverReplicator Engine []
    4 GameReplicationInfo Engine []
     5 ROGameReplicationInfo ROGame []
    4 PlayerReplicationInfo Engine []
     5 ROPlayerReplicationInfo ROGame []
    4 ROSquadReplicationInfo ROGame []
    4 TeamInfo Engine []
     5 ROTeamInfo ROGame []
   3 RODestructionReplicationInfo ROGame [P]
   3 Route Engine [P]
   3 ROVoteCollector ROGame []
   3 Terrain Engine [P]
   3 VolumeTimer Engine []
   3 WindDirectionalSource Engine [P]
   3 WindPointSource Engine [P]
   3 ZoneInfo Engine []
    4 WorldInfo Engine []
  2 Inventory Engine [A]
   3 Weapon Engine [A]
    4 ROWeapon ROGame [A]
     5 ROItem_Binoculars ROGame [A]
      6 ROItem_Binoculars_Content ROGameContent []
     5 ROOneShotWeapon ROGame [A]
      6 ROExplosiveWeapon ROGame [A]
       7 ROEggGrenadeWeapon ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_F1_Grenade ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_F1_Grenade_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROExplosiveATWeapon ROGame []
        8 ROWeap_HHL3_ATGrenade ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_HHL3_ATGrenade_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_RPG40_ATGrenade ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_RPG40_ATGrenade_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROSatchelChargeWeapon ROGame []
        8 ROWeaponSatchelGer_3kg ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeaponSatchelGer_3kg_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeaponSatchelSov_3kg ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeaponSatchelSov_3kg_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROStielGrenadeWeapon ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_M1939_Grenade ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_M1939_Grenade_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_NG39_Grenade ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_NG39_Grenade_Content ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_NG39_Grenade_ContentSL ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_NG39_GrenadeSL ROGame []
        8 ROWeap_RDG1_Grenade ROGame []
         9 ROWeap_RDG1_Grenade_Content ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_RDG1_Grenade_ContentSL ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_RDG1_GrenadeSL ROGame []
     5 ROProjectileWeapon ROGame [A]
      6 ROBipodWeapon ROGame [A]
       7 ROATWeapon ROGame []
        8 ROWeap_ATDebug ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_ATDebug_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_MPzB41_ATRifle ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_MPzB41_ATRifle_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_PTRS1941_ATRifle ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_PTRS1941_ATRifle_Content ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_PTRS1941_ATRifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
           11 ROWeap_PTRS1941_ATRifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_PzB784r_ATRifle ROGame [A]
          10 ROWeap_PzB784r_ATRifle_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROMGWeapon ROGame []
        8 ROWeap_DP28_LMG ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_DP28_LMG_Content ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_DP28_LMG_Level2 ROGameContent []
           11 ROWeap_DP28_LMG_Level3 ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_MG34_LMG ROGame [A]
         9 ROWeap_MG34_LMG_Content ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_MG34_LMG_Level2 ROGameContent []
           11 ROWeap_MG34_LMG_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROFixedMGWeapon ROGame []
       7 ROWeap_Maxim_HMG_Turret ROGame []
        8 ROWeap_Maxim_HMG_Turret_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_MG34_Tripod ROGame []
        8 ROWeap_MG34_Tripod_Content ROGameContent []
      6 ROSniperWeapon ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_AVT40_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_G41Scoped_Rifle ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_G41Scoped_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_G41Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_G41Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_Kar98Scoped_Rifle ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_Kar98Scoped_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_Kar98Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_Kar98Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_MKb42_AssaultRifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_MN9130Scoped_Rifle ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_MN9130Scoped_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_MN9130Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_MN9130Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_SVT40Scoped_Rifle ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_SVT40Scoped_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_SVT40Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
          10 ROWeap_SVT40Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_C96_Pistol ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_C96_Pistol_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_C96_Pistol_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_C96_Pistol_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_G41_Rifle ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_G41_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_G41_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_G41_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_Kar98_Rifle ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_Kar98_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_Kar98_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_Kar98_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_M1895_Revolver ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_M1895_Revolver_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_M1895_Revolver_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_M1895_Revolver_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_MKb42_AssaultRifle ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_MKb42_AssaultRifle_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_MKb42_AssaultRifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_MN9130_Rifle ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_MN9130_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_MN9130_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_MN9130_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_MP40_SMG ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_MP40_SMG_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_MP40_SMG_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_MP40_SMG_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_P38_Pistol ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_P38_Pistol_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_P38_Pistol_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_P38_Pistol_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_PPSH41_SMG ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_PPSH41_SMG_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_PPSH41_SMG_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_PPSH41_SMG_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_SVT40_Rifle ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_AVT40_Rifle ROGame [A]
        8 ROWeap_AVT40_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_AVT40_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
       7 ROWeap_SVT40_Rifle_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_SVT40_Rifle_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_SVT40_Rifle_Level3 ROGameContent []
      6 ROWeap_TT33_Pistol ROGame [A]
       7 ROWeap_TT33_Pistol_Content ROGameContent []
        8 ROWeap_TT33_Pistol_Level2 ROGameContent []
         9 ROWeap_TT33_Pistol_Level3 ROGameContent []
     5 ROVehicleWeapon ROGame [A]
      6 ROVWeap_HullMG ROGame [A]
       7 ROVWeap_PanzerIVG_HullMG ROGame [A]
        8 ROVWeap_PanzerIVG_HullMG_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROVWeap_T3476_HullMG ROGame [A]
        8 ROVWeap_T3476_HullMG_Content ROGameContent []
      6 ROVWeap_TankTurret ROGame [A]
       7 ROVWeap_PanzerIVG_Turret ROGame [A]
        8 ROVWeap_PanzerIVG_Turret_Content ROGameContent []
       7 ROVWeap_T3476_Turret ROGame [A]
        8 ROVWeap_T3476_Turret_Content ROGameContent []
     5 ROWeaponArtillery ROGame []
  2 InventoryManager Engine []
   3 CCSInventoryManager Grip []
   3 ROInventoryManager ROGame []
  2 KAsset Engine [P]
   3 KAssetSpawnable Engine []
   3 ROPhysicsSkeletalMesh ROGame [P]
   3 ROPhysicsSkeletalMeshClient ROGame [P]
  2 Keypoint Engine [PA]
   3 AmbientSound Engine [P]
    4 AmbientSoundMovable Engine [P]
    4 AmbientSoundSimple Engine [P]
     5 AmbientSoundNonLoop Engine [P]
     5 AmbientSoundSimpleToggleable Engine [P]
   3 PathTargetPoint Engine [P]
   3 TargetPoint Engine [P]
  2 LensFlareSource Engine [P]
  2 Light Engine []
   3 DirectionalLight Engine [P]
    4 DirectionalLightToggleable Engine [P]
    4 DominantDirectionalLight Engine [P]
     5 DominantDirectionalLightMovable Engine [P]
   3 PointLight Engine [P]
    4 DominantPointLight Engine [P]
    4 PointLightMovable Engine [P]
    4 PointLightToggleable Engine [P]
   3 SkyLight Engine [P]
    4 SkyLightToggleable Engine [P]
   3 SpotLight Engine [P]
    4 DominantSpotLight Engine [P]
     5 RODominantSpotLightMovable ROGame [P]
    4 GeneratedMeshAreaLight Engine []
    4 SpotLightMovable Engine [P]
    4 SpotLightToggleable Engine [P]
   3 StaticLightCollectionActor Engine []
  2 MaterialInstanceActor Engine [P]
  2 MatineeActor Engine []
  2 MobileTouchActor GameFramework [P]
   3 DynamicMobileTouchActor GameFramework [P]
  2 NavigationPoint Engine []
   3 CoverLink Engine [P]
    4 ROCoverLink ROGame [P]
   3 CoverSlotMarker Engine []
   3 DoorMarker Engine [P]
   3 DynamicAnchor Engine []
   3 Ladder Engine [P]
    4 AutoLadder Engine []
   3 LiftCenter Engine [P]
   3 LiftExit Engine [P]
   3 MantleMarker Engine []
    4 ROMantleMarker Engine []
   3 PathNode Engine [P]
    4 NarrowPathObject ROGame [P]
    4 PathNode_Dynamic Engine [P]
    4 RallyNode ROGame [P]
    4 VolumePathNode Engine [P]
   3 PickupFactory Engine [PA]
   3 PlayerStart Engine [P]
    4 ROPlayerStart ROGame [P]
   3 PortalMarker Engine []
   3 Pylon Engine [P]
    4 AISwitchablePylon Engine [P]
    4 DynamicPylon Engine [P]
   3 ROCoverPoint ROGame [HP]
   3 ROObjective ROGame [P]
    4 ROObjectiveSatchel ROGame [P]
   3 Teleporter Engine [P]
   3 TriggeredPath Engine [P]
  2 NavMeshObstacle Engine [P]
   3 ROStaticMeshObstacle ROGame [P]
   3 ROStaticMeshSatchelObstacle ROGame [P]
  2 Note Engine [P]
   3 ROSkeletalMeshSpawnPoint ROGame [P]
    4 ROFixedMGSpawnPoint ROGame [P]
  2 NxForceField Engine [A]
   3 NxCylindricalForceField Engine [A]
    4 NxCylindricalForceFieldCapsule Engine [P]
   3 NxForceFieldGeneric Engine [P]
   3 NxForceFieldRadial Engine [P]
   3 NxForceFieldTornado Engine [P]
   3 NxGenericForceField Engine [A]
    4 NxGenericForceFieldBox Engine [P]
    4 NxGenericForceFieldCapsule Engine [P]
   3 NxRadialForceField Engine [P]
    4 NxRadialCustomForceField Engine [P]
   3 NxTornadoAngularForceField Engine [A]
    4 NxTornadoAngularForceFieldCapsule Engine [P]
   3 NxTornadoForceField Engine [A]
    4 NxTornadoForceFieldCapsule Engine [P]
  2 ParticleEventManager Engine [A]
   3 ROParticleEventManager ROGame []
  2 PathVehicleBlockingVolume Engine [P]
  2 Pawn Engine [PA]
   3 GamePawn GameFramework [A]
    4 ROPawn ROGame []
     5 ROAIPawn ROGame [P]
     5 ROAlliedPawn ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnLevel1 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnLevel2 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 RoAlliedPawnLevel2Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnLevel3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnLevel4 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnLevel5 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnLevel6 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAlliedPawnWinter ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnWinterLevel1 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnWinterLevel2 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnWinterLevel3 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnWinterLevel4 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnWinterLevel5 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnWinterLevel6 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
     5 ROAxisPawn ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnLevel1 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnLevel2 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnLevel3 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnLevel4 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnLevel5 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnLevel6 ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6AntiTank ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6Assault ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6Commander ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6EliteRifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6Engineer ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6MachineGunner ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6Marksman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6Rifleman ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6SquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnWinter ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnWinterLevel1 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnWinterLevel2 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnWinterLevel3 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnWinterLevel4 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnWinterLevel5 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnWinterLevel6 ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6AntiTankW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6AssaultW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6CommanderW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6EliteRiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6EngineerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6MachineGunnerW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6MarksmanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6RiflemanW ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6SquadLeaderW ROGameContent []
     5 ROPawnTanker ROGame []
      6 ROAlliedPawnTanker ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel1Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel1TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel2Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel2TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel3Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel3TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel4Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel4TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel5Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel5TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAlliedPawnLevel6Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAlliedPawnLevel6TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
      6 ROAxisPawnTanker ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel1Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel1TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel2Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel2TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel3Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel3TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel4Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel4TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel5Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel5TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
       7 ROAxisPawnLevel6Tanker ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6TankCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6TankDriver ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6TankHullMG ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6TankPlatoonCommander ROGameContent []
        8 ROAxisPawnLevel6TankSquadLeader ROGameContent []
     5 ROPlacedPawnTest ROGame [P]
   3 MatineePawn Engine [P]
   3 Scout Engine []
    4 ROScout ROGame []
   3 Vehicle Engine [PA]
    4 ROTurret ROGame [PA]
     5 ROTurret_Maxim_HMG ROGameContent [P]
     5 ROTurret_MG34_LMG ROGameContent [P]
    4 SVehicle Engine [PA]
     5 ROVehicleBase ROGame [A]
      6 ROVehicle ROGame [A]
       7 ROVehicleTreaded ROGame [A]
        8 ROVehicleTank ROGame [A]
         9 ROVehicle_PanzerIVG ROGame [A]
          10 ROVehicle_PanzerIVG_Content ROGameContent [P]
           11 ROVehicle_PanzerIVG_Winter_Content ROGameContent [P]
         9 ROVehicle_T3476 ROGame [A]
          10 ROVehicle_T3476_Content ROGameContent [P]
           11 ROVehicle_T3476_Winter_Content ROGameContent [P]
        8 ROVehicleTransport ROGame []
       7 ROVehicleWheeled ROGame [A]
      6 ROWeaponPawn ROGame []
       7 ROClientSideWeaponPawn ROGame []
  2 PrefabInstance Engine []
  2 Projectile Engine [A]
   3 ROProjectile ROGame [A]
    4 ROArtilleryShell ROGame []
     5 ROMortarShell ROGame []
     5 RORocketShell ROGame []
    4 ROBallisticProjectile ROGame [A]
     5 ROAntiVehicleProjectile ROGame [A]
      6 MPzB41Bullet_AP ROGame []
      6 PTRS1941Bullet_AP ROGame []
       7 PzB784rBullet_AP ROGame []
      6 ROTankCannonProjectile ROGame []
       7 ROTankCannonSmokeRound ROGame [A]
        8 VehProj_PanzerIVG_Smoke ROGame []
        8 VehProj_T3476_Smoke ROGame []
       7 VehProj_PanzerIVG_AP ROGame []
       7 VehProj_PanzerIVG_HE ROGame []
       7 VehProj_T3476_AP ROGame []
       7 VehProj_T3476_HE ROGame []
      6 ROThrowableShapedChargeProjectile ROGame [A]
       7 HHL3Projectile ROGame []
       7 RPG40Projectile ROGame []
     5 ROBullet ROGame [A]
      6 C96Bullet ROGame []
      6 DP28Bullet ROGame []
      6 DTBullet ROGame []
      6 G41Bullet ROGame []
      6 G41ScopedBullet ROGame []
      6 Kar98Bullet ROGame []
       7 Kar98ScopedBullet ROGame []
      6 M1895Bullet ROGame []
      6 Maxim1910Bullet ROGame []
      6 MG34Bullet ROGame []
      6 MKb42Bullet ROGame []
      6 MN9130Bullet ROGame []
      6 MN9130ScopedBullet ROGame []
      6 MP40Bullet ROGame []
      6 P38Bullet ROGame []
      6 PPSH41Bullet ROGame []
      6 ROBulletTracer ROGame [A]
       7 DP28BulletTracer ROGame []
       7 DTBulletTracer ROGame []
       7 Maxim1910BulletTracer ROGame []
       7 MG34BulletTracer ROGame []
      6 SVT40Bullet ROGame []
      6 SVT40ScopedBullet ROGame []
      6 TT33Bullet ROGame []
    4 ROThrowableExplosiveProjectile ROGame [A]
     5 ROEggGrenadeProjectile ROGame [A]
      6 F1GrenadeProjectile ROGame []
     5 ROSatchelChargeProjectile ROGame []
     5 ROStickGrenadeProjectile ROGame [A]
      6 M1939GrenadeProjectile ROGame []
      6 NebelGranate39Projectile ROGame []
      6 RDG1Projectile ROGame []
  2 PylonSeed Engine [P]
  2 RadialBlurActor Engine [P]
  2 RigidBodyBase Engine [A]
   3 RB_ConstraintActor Engine [PA]
    4 RB_BSJointActor Engine [P]
    4 RB_ConstraintActorSpawnable Engine []
    4 RB_HingeActor Engine [P]
    4 RB_PrismaticActor Engine [P]
    4 RB_PulleyJointActor Engine [P]
   3 RB_CylindricalForceActor Engine [P]
   3 RB_LineImpulseActor Engine [P]
   3 RB_RadialForceActor Engine [P]
   3 RB_RadialImpulseActor Engine [P]
   3 RB_Thruster Engine [P]
  2 ROAerialReconPlane ROGame []
   3 ROAlliedAerialReconPlane ROGame []
   3 ROAxisAerialReconPlane ROGame []
  2 ROArtillerySound ROGame []
  2 ROArtillerySpawner ROGame []
  2 ROAvoidMarker ROGame []
  2 RODestructible ROGame [P]
  2 ROGib ROGame [A]
   3 ROGib_Human ROGame [A]
    4 ROGib_HumanArm ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_GermanHero ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_GermanMG ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_GermanParka ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_GermanRawRecruit ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_SovGreatCoat ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_SovHero ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_SovRawRecruit ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanArm_SovTelegrieka ROGameContent []
    4 ROGib_HumanLeg ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_GermanHero ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_GermanMG ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_GermanParka ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_GermanRawRecruit ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovGreatCoat ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovGreatCoat_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovGreatCoat_TypeB ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovHero ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovHero_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovHero_TypeB ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovRawRecruit ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovRawRecruit_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovRawRecruit_TypeB ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovTelegrieka ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovTelegrieka_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanLeg_SovTelegrieka_TypeB ROGameContent []
    4 ROGib_HumanTorso ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_GermanHero ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_GermanMG ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_GermanParka ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_GermanRawRecruit ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovGreatCoat ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovGreatCoat_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovGreatCoat_TypeB ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovHero ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovHero_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovHero_TypeB ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovRawRecruit ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovRawRecruit_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovRawRecruit_TypeB ROGameContent []
     5 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovTelegrieka ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovTelegrieka_TypeA ROGameContent []
      6 ROGib_HumanTorso_SovTelegrieka_TypeB ROGameContent []
   3 ROGib_Vehicle ROGame [A]
    4 ROVehicleDeathPiece ROGameContent []
     5 ROVehicleDeathTurret_PanzerIVG ROGameContent []
     5 ROVehicleDeathTurret_T3476 ROGameContent []
  2 ROHUDWidget ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetCom ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetComCommunication ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetComOrders ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetCommander ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetCompass ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetCutOffTimer ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetHeroSuppressionBonusIndicator ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetIndicator ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetIndicatorRight ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetInventory ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetKillMessages ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetLevelUpMessage ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetMapBoundaryTimer ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetMessages ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetMessagesAlerts ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetMessagesChat ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetMessagesOrders ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetMessagesOrdersSL ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetMessagesPickups ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetMessagesReload ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetMiniStrengthPoints ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetObjective ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetObjectiveOverview ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetOverheadMap ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetPeripheralPawns ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetPeripheralSegments ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetPeripheralDamage ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetPeripheralWhips ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetRespawnTimer ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetScoreboard ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetScoreboardFF ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetScoreboardTE ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetSpawnQueue ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetSpectator ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetStatus ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetTempStat ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetTimer ROGame [A]
    4 ROHUDWidgetCountdownTimer ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetLockdownTimer ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetRoundEndTimer ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetSPDefendTimer ROGame []
    4 ROHUDWidgetTerritoryStartTimer ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetTraining ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetVehicleInfo ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetVOIPMeter ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetVOIPTalkers ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetWeapon ROGame []
   3 ROHUDWidgetWorld ROGame []
  2 ROMGBarrel ROGame []
   3 ROMGBarrelDP28 ROGame []
   3 ROMGBarrelMG34 ROGame []
  2 ROObjectiveSP ROGame [P]
  2 RORallyPoint ROGame []
  2 ROSkeletalMeshActor ROGame [P]
   3 ROSkeletalMeshActorMAT ROGame [P]
    4 ROSkeletalMeshActorMATSpawnable ROGame []
   3 ROSkeletalMeshActorSpawnable ROGame []
  2 ROStaticMeshDestructible ROGame [P]
  2 ROStats ROGame []
  2 ROTankPosition ROGame [P]
   3 ROTankCover ROGame [P]
  2 ROVisionBlocker ROGame []
  2 ROVolumeTest ROGame []
  2 ROWeaponAttachment ROGame [A]
   3 ROItemAttach_Binoculars ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_G41_Rifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_G41_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_G41_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_G41Scoped_Rifle ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_G41Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_G41Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_Kar98_Rifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_Kar98_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_Kar98_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_Kar98Scoped_Rifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_Kar98Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_Kar98Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_Maxim_HMG_Turret ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_MG34_LMG_Turret ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_MKb42_AssaultRifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_MKb42_AssaultRifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_MKb42_AssaultRifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_MN9130_Rifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_MN9130_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_MN9130_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_MN9130Scoped_Rifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_MN9130Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_MN9130Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_MP40_SMG ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_MP40_SMG_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_MP40_SMG_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_PPSH41_SMG ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_PPSH41_SMG_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_PPSH41_SMG_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeapAttach_SVT40_Rifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_AVT40_Rifle ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_AVT40_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_AVT40_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_SVT40_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_SVT40_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_SVT40Scoped_Rifle ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_SVT40Scoped_Rifle_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_SVT40Scoped_Rifle_Level3 ROGame []
   3 ROWeaponAttachmentBipod ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_DP28_LMG ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_MG34_LMG ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_MG34_LMG_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_MG34_LMG_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_MPzB41_ATRifle ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_PTRS1941_ATRifle ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_PzB784r_ATRifle ROGame []
   3 ROWeaponAttachmentGrenade ROGame [A]
    4 ROWeapAttach_AlliedGrenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_F1_Grenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_RDG1_Grenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_RPG40_ATGrenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeaponAttachmentSatchel ROGame [A]
      6 ROWeapAttach_SatchelGer_3kg ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_SatchelSov_3kg ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_AxisGrenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_HHL3_ATGrenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_M1939_Grenade ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_NG39_Grenade ROGame []
   3 ROWeaponAttachmentPistol ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_C96_Pistol ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_C96_Pistol_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_C96_Pistol_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_M1895_Revolver ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_M1895_Revolver_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_M1895_Revolver_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_P38_Pistol ROGame []
     5 ROWeapAttach_P38_Pistol_Level2 ROGame []
      6 ROWeapAttach_P38_Pistol_Level3 ROGame []
    4 ROWeapAttach_TT33_Pistol ROGame []
  2 SampleClass ROGame [P]
  2 SceneCaptureActor Engine [A]
   3 SceneCapture2DActor Engine [P]
   3 SceneCaptureCubeMapActor Engine [P]
   3 SceneCaptureReflectActor Engine [P]
    4 SceneCapturePortalActor Engine [P]
     5 PortalTeleporter Engine [A]
  2 SkeletalMeshActor Engine [P]
   3 SkeletalMeshActorBasedOnExtremeContent Engine [P]
   3 SkeletalMeshActorSpawnable Engine []
   3 SkeletalMeshCinematicActor Engine [P]
    4 SkeletalMeshActorMAT Engine [P]
     5 SkeletalMeshActorMATSpawnable Engine []
  2 SpeedTreeActor Engine [P]
  2 SplineActor Engine [P]
   3 SplineLoftActor Engine [P]
    4 SplineLoftActorMovable Engine [P]
  2 StaticMeshActorBase Engine [A]
   3 StaticMeshActor Engine [P]
    4 InteractiveFoliageActor Engine [P]
    4 ProcBuilding_SimpleLODActor Engine [P]
   3 StaticMeshCollectionActor Engine []
  2 StaticMeshActorBasedOnExtremeContent Engine [P]
  2 Trigger Engine [P]
   3 ROTriggerRadio ROGame [P]
   3 Trigger_Dynamic Engine [P]
   3 Trigger_LOS Engine [P]
   3 Trigger_Projectile ROGame [P]
   3 TriggerStreamingLevel Engine [P]
  2 VehicleCrewProxy ROGame []