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What's with the Rambo hate?

I'll be quick, I hope.

I just have this to ask, what's with the rambo hate?

I'm aware if they just sucked it'd make the game harder for no real reason... but if they're successful and can kill most of everything while not dying and just keeping on moving... who cares?

I ask this as I commonly see it in the forums, but not in-game. I've never been kicked, banned, or raged at for (this is in hard mode, suicidal makes ramboing impossible) moving around as a commando (currently level 5 with 3.1k stalker kills) killing everything I see, and basically leaving my team behind.


Because there's more action. It's less fun to hang around with a team and insta-own everything that gets within 10m.

It's more fun (at least for me) to be completely surrounded while having to shoot a hole in a horde that I can walk through to keep moving and not die.

So yeah, seeing as it almost always works for me, no matter the team size, (on hard, NOT to be confused with beginner, normal, or suicidal!) why the hate here towards ramboing? (I've seen it in a few server messages to, but it's never enforced)

That and we make great last stands if our team dies while we're away.


Successful rambo: Why rage at him?
Fail rambo: He's not making the game THAT much harder.
The simple answer, its a team based game. Keep in mind these are only my opinions.

Your supposed to work together to accomplish the main goal, kill everything. From what I read it was all about you, not thinking about your team at all...if you want to be solo play single player. I know, not be selfish on a game? Its like a foreign concept lol.

I guess if people notice one guy running out and killing everything, taking all the money from the kills, leaving the team behind to possibly die, etc. They might get a little annoyed by it.

I dont really mind a rambo in the game, because he usually gets himself killed and provides me with a good laugh. Usually the rambo's I encounter are berzerkers, probably because if they are in the group with everyone they really wont get anything done. But for the most part, rambo's dont effect the game much, at least from what I have seen.
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A) Everyone that is playing as a team doesn't get to kill anything because one guy is attracting the attention of all the specimen.

B) They take damage, run back, ask for heals, and never thank you. Rambos don't play this game for the team value, which makes them a worthless asset.

C) They die like idiots often, leaving the rest of the team with more specimen to kill than they might have ammo, if on suicidal or things have just been going crazy.

D) If you want to play solo, go play a Solo Medium Game. Alone. No one there cares how much you don't understand the words "Team Work."

E) They get bored, so they in turn cause everyone else to be bored by the way they play? GTFO of my server please.

Our solution to Rambos is easy. We just don't help them. We won't kill anything that's attacking them. We won't even piss on them to put out a Husk's fire.

They seem to get the concept of team play after that, right before they rage quit.
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i know most disagree but this is not a teambased game. this is a teambased game if you feel like making it that way.

sorry, but might want to look up the definition of a co-op game. it's a team game plain and simple. everything about the game, perks, acheivements, map layouts, trader, money, giving away money, healing others etc..... shows how the game has been designed to be played as a team. remember, you win for your SQUAD surviving, not just you.

it's a individual game if you choose to play it that way, and typically, people that go at it that way result in epic fail :p

people "hate" rambos because players of that style tend to run around on their own, survive for the first easy waves and get a bunch of kills/money, then attempt to do it again but fail to realize the game gets slightly harder.....they run into husks, scrakes, FP and the other "little" stuff and they live for a minute or two tops. because the other players probably didn't earn much money from the previous waves, they aren't well equipped and on top of that must pick up the slack covering for the guy that died and his alloted specimen.

if you want to rambo, play in solo :cool:
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Our solution to Rambos is easy. We just don't help them. We won't kill anything that's attacking them. We won't even piss on them to put out a Husk's fire.

They seem to get the concept of team play after that, right before they rage quit.

sorry for double post, but this is exactly the way to deal with em. often is quite entertaining. :D
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sorry, but might want to look up the definition of a co-op game. it's a team game plain and simple. everything about the game, perks, acheivements, map layouts, trader, money, giving away money, healing others etc..... shows how the game has been designed to be played as a team. remember, you win for your SQUAD surviving, not just you.

it's a individual game if you choose to play it that way, and typically, people that go at it that way result in epic fail :p

people "hate" rambos because players of that style tend to run around on their own, survive for the first easy waves and get a bunch of kills/money, then attempt to do it again but fail to realize the game gets slightly harder.....they run into husks, scrakes, FP and the other "little" stuff and they live for a minute or two tops. because the other players probably didn't earn much money from the previous waves, they aren't well equipped and on top of that must pick up the slack covering for the guy that died and his alloted specimen.

if you want to rambo, play in solo :cool:

teambased game: L4D

teambased game if you want it to be: KF

thats the whole reason i play KF and not L4D, i dont like having the teamwork forced down my throat. the same goes for RO, you can play by capturing the objectives, or you can play by depeleting the enemies reinforcements, the choice is always upto the player.
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that is certainly a good point.....both games don't "force" team play as much as others but let players choose how they want to play. however from the perspective of which better accomplishes the overall purpose of the game, teamplay is the only way.

in RO, if you want to win the map, the team has to work together. in KF if you want to win the map, the team has to work together.

depends on what people have as their objective. if they want to beat the map, which is what they should be focusing on, then they'll do what is necessary to win. if they just wanna have some fun killing stuff or using the weapons, leveling, going for achievements etc... then sure knock yourself out. for me personally, i play with a team because i want to beat the map and understand that teamplay leads to victory and makes my life much easier.
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L4D doesn't enforce teamplay?

Zombies that turn you from a damage sponge into a helplessly thrashing meal doesn't enforce team play?

L4D uses pretty strict mechanics/punishments to enforce team play. And lots of annoying on screen reminders.

KF does it through the invisible mechanics/hp levels/damage levels ect... that doesn't make KF less of a team-based game. All it takes is you being caught between two spawn points in the right map configuration, and you're dead without a team to watch your back. Solo is only playable because the numbers of enemies hps/damage and your damage (and speed, and durability) all scale accordingly to make it playable.

Rambos make the mistake of identifying solo as the default way the game is played. Even on a solo suicidal game, you're getting less of a challenge than you are with a team. You're getting the peak of solo challenge, sure, but you aren't dealing with the numbers, spawn rates or HPs of a full team game.

This is a team game, it just doesn't use big flashing text announcements and contrived anti-rambo mechanics to drive home the point.

What I find hilariously hypocritical about rambos is when they come running back, clearly overmatched, and they change how they play because they expect the rest of the team to start dealing with all the crap they brought with them. And then they die. Lulz.
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The fact is...

A bad Rambo dies, begs for money, and just generally makes the game irritating/difficult.

A good Rambo makes newbies jealous for kills. That said, there are VERY, VERY few good rambos. Right now, however, any chump with a Level 6 Sharpshooter, Crossbow, and an eye for headshots can "Rambo".
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Playing on hard on farm as lvl3 Zerker once, I got so sick of the 3 M14 spamming Sharpshooters on the team killing everything that I ran as far away from them as I could armed with a katana and a crossbow. The game did everything it could to punish me. I think it was something like 7 Scrakes and 4 Fleshpounds with the main bulk of the wave being crawlers but I made it somehow! Got about 150 kills in that one wave and was treated to the rest of the players *****ing about how there were no zeds to shoot.

Best moment in killingfloor.

Soloing is very fun as long as you don't die, then it sucks.
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I'd also like to throw my two cents in on the joys of Rambo'ing. Now, I'm not saying I'm a bad team-player - if a game seems like it's going to be tough, I stick with the group - but if it seems like it's going to be easy, I usually try to break away. For example, Biotics: my god, I am SO SICK of people camping at the U-room. I'm sure a lot of us can sympathize with that. Another thing I do is pair up with a friend of mine in-game, and we both run away from the main group. That's really fun too.

If I see a Rambo in need of help, I usually just go Rambo with him, and we work independently for the same thing. And I sympathize completely with them; sometimes, team games can just be a bore. But I do play team games for the most part, before you start picking me apart. I like to help people stay alive; that feels good too.
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Playing on hard on farm as lvl3 Zerker once, I got so sick of the 3 M14 spamming Sharpshooters on the team killing everything that I ran as far away from them as I could armed with a katana and a crossbow. The game did everything it could to punish me. I think it was something like 7 Scrakes and 4 Fleshpounds with the main bulk of the wave being crawlers but I made it somehow! Got about 150 kills in that one wave and was treated to the rest of the players *****ing about how there were no zeds to shoot.

Best moment in killingfloor.

Soloing is very fun as long as you don't die, then it sucks.

and therein is why rambos exist, the spawn mechanism and how targets lock on to players means that one person running around where a team is defending gets all the zeds attracted to eating him, thus robbing everyone else of all but a few kills. this is possible to do by ones self because the game limits max zeds at once to 32, so you have no more after you at any time in solo they you do in multi. I wish this would scale up to ~64 for 6 players, then all the rambos would have 2x the zeds after them, and wouldent last so bleedin long...
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