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Throwable glowsticks

General Armchair

Grizzled Veteran
Nov 15, 2009
While the 9mm is a sufficient light source most of the time, there is a need on darker maps for an additional light source that can be used simultaneously with a primary weapon. (assuming that you aren't a support class using the shotgun as a primary weapon, or a commando with magic healthbars)

I think glowsticks would fill that roll nicely. They would be purchased from the trader and thrown just like grenades. Most glowsticks don't give off too much light, so the dark maps would retain their dark feel, except now you can strategically place light sources to create a faintly illuminated kill-zone that is sufficient enough to at least reveal the silhouettes of your targets.

The glowsticks in Bedlam gives a good impression of what I'm talking about.
Aside from acting as light sources, glowsticks/flares would be great for markers.

"After you're done with the trader, go up the stairs. Follow the glowsticks."

So long as they never go out (seriously, cheap glowsticks last at least 2 hours, military quality 8 hours or more) and aren't horribly expensive, I think it'd be lovely.

Reminds me of the level in Half-Life 2: Episode 1 where you are waiting for an elevator. Before you hit the button you have the opportunity to do some prep and there are flares sitting around that you can place down. They don't last forever but they sure are helpful in lighting things up a good bit.
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I would never purchase them if they cost money because I could just increase my gamma or use rmode6. Otherwise they would likely turn into a spam fest that would be very annoying. Like when you could throw a pack of 0 pound if you had no money backing the mod. I don't see glow sticks making that much of a difference in a map that is very dark anyway, because of the low radius of light it produces.
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Do want.

Increasing gamma just messes up the feel of the maps, and ruins the experience. Ambient lighting controlled by players would be excellent.

I don't see it being a spamfest if they cost money. And if some people wouldn't buy them - who cares? Those that like them and know how to use them will buy them.

Also, I'd really like it if the Firebug's flames lit up the rooms more appropriately, and if burning specimens produced dynamic light. I don't believe they do right now, and if they do, it's not nearly as strong as it should be.
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Spamming can be prevented by having a limit on the number of glowsticks a player can have on the field at one time. Once the player has thrown 10 glowsticks, any additional sticks would make the earlier ones disappear. (when you throw glowstick 11, glowstick 1 despawns).

I just pulled the number 10 out of thin air because its a nice even number. 60 glowsticks from a whole team would be overkill for even the darkest maps, or at least until map-makers decide to make darker maps as a result of players having access to additional light sources.
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I would never purchase them if they cost money because I could just increase my gamma or use rmode6. Otherwise they would likely turn into a spam fest that would be very annoying. Like when you could throw a pack of 0 pound if you had no money backing the mod. I don't see glow sticks making that much of a difference in a map that is very dark anyway, because of the low radius of light it produces.

TWI can limit them like 8 per person.
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TWI can limit them like 8 per person.
Indeed but you can still get people buying them and tossing them and purchasing some more (sort of like the old 9mm lighting glitch from the mod). Also anyone who turns off dynamic lighting would get no use out of these. Furthermore I don't see all that much use coming out of these given the work that TWI would have to do and the fact that people can easily work around it. I have yet to find myself in need of something like this in official maps and unofficial maps that have issues with lighting need to be fixed anyway.
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Why not go all-out and make them Flares? Give the firebug longer-burning ones that are brighter for a discount, along with more capacity for 'em and you've given the Firebug a more diverse role, albeit only slightly...
A. I prefer glow sticks, just on an aesthetic level.
B. Glowstick = soft lighting. Flare = harsh lighting. Which leads to...
C. I don't want to go blind when people inevitable chuck 36 flares into the same spot. It's already bad enough in dark levels with a fire bug.

It's also worth noting, the amount of light generated by the Flame thrower is already pretty pathetic. If we're using that as a guide, flares might not (or shouldn't be?) that much more effective, just longer lasting.
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Yes to Ground Flares

Yes to Ground Flares

Glowsticks don't put out enough lumens to light wide areas, but flares are brighter. Just give them a soft-illumination effect.

Just because they wouldn't help everyone (cheap rig/ no dynamic lighting) doesn't mean they shouldn't be implemented. I like the idea for flares like in Aliens, in the game AvP 2 you could toss flares on the ground to light areas pretty well. It would be nice on certain dark maps like biotics lab where everyone camps one spot- just a couple flares in the hallway would make headshots easier.

Playtesting would decide whether they should last the whole game or burn out after a few rounds. Limited trader time would also prevent them from getting spammed everywhere. They should be useful, cheap and low-maintenance. Perhaps explosions would destroy them.
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Glowsticks, no. Seems a little bit un-serious for my tastes. Glowsticks in Bedlam is fine, because the Halloween partygoers put them down. Having soldiers use glow-sticks tactically? Nty.

Flares, hell yes.

Except REAL soldiers DO use glow-sticks tactically. So do emergency rescue teams. They are valued because they are safe dependable light sources. They can't short-out like flashlights, they have no bulb to be smashed, and they don't rely on batteries. They are also cool sources of light, unlike flares which are likely to catch things on fire.

They've even got glowsticks that only glow in the infra-red spectrum so they can be used with night vision goggles. They also have glowsticks whose chemical composition is set to glow brightly (flare bright) for a few minutes rather than dimly for a few hours.

some glowsticks that could potentially be used by the military to mark targets, perimeters, or LZ's

(apologies for the embedded video, I tried to just link to the youtube page)
Here's an example of the bright "short burn" glowsticks. Note how they brightly illuminate the entire room.

YouTube - Jimmy Ultra Bright Light Show
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I like the idea, would add to the feel of dark maps also would help in explaining tactics.
The problem with spamming would not be greater than demo pipe spamming, a problem i have yet to encounter in any widespread manner (demo spammers can be stopped easily just shoot the pipe he stands on).
The glowsticks should be destroyable imo if implemented.
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