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Why was the Flamer left behind?


Grizzled Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Why did the flamer not see a big update? Just wonderin'. xD

I like flamer, but compared to the other perks, its just seems.. meh. Can't we get incendiary ammo or somethin?

Quick idea to "fix" berserker (make 'em useful again) - Add a riot shield + baton - gives low damage, but slight stun and decreases damage taken.

Anyways, main point of the thread is about the Flamer - will they get something in the future?
They apparently hate the Firebug now, as the burn behavior is gone. The 'Infinite burn' glitch is nice, as is Husk immunity, but the class gets incredibly boring to me, as the other classes at least have choices. You spawn with your weapon as a Level 5, and that's pretty much it! Nothing to buy, no choices to make of weaponry...
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I certainly hope that the infinite burning of lesser specimens is intended, although in the case of the Patriarch, I think it should go back to how it was pre-patch.

Don't get me wrong, it's cool the first few times to just have the Patriarch just fall over dead in the middle of no where, but it feels really lame. Just like taking him out with piles of pipe bombs
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After playing Firebug some more, it's not TERRIBLE. It's just outshined. For starters, the Flamethrower taking 10 blocks is pretty insane. NO other weapon takes that much space but the LAW... It pretty much limits your additional weapons to:

Dual 9mms
Handcannon/Dual Handcannons
Medgun (Not a great weapon and you're not great at healing, so not recommended!)

Thats it. You're basically married to the flamethrower and those are your only other options. It sucks... And you're 110% useless against Scrakes and Fleshpounds. And yes, you're immune to Husks fire, but they're close to immune to yours too!

The perk shines, however, against groups. In the open, the Demoman puts it to shame, and has the additional benefit of hitting big enemies for a ton of damage.

But in corridors, where a wall of enemies is coming at you, the Demoman sucks and you shine! While he'll kill himself/hurt himself and STILL only be able to hit the enemies at the front (If his "Minimum range" factor even lets a nade explode!), your fire doesn't hurt you one bit, penetrates the wall of enemies, hitting them ALL, and can be used even at point-blank range! That's the Firebug's niche!

Areas like Biotics, the inside of Waterworks, and Bedlam show this very, very well. While maps like Wyre, West London, and Farm favor the demoman by far!
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One idea I think would be useful:

- Change the current flamethrower to the "M2 Flamethrower", reskin it to fit but leave the mechanics the same.

- Add an "Improvised Flamethrower", which projects flame in a wide cone but only for a short range in front of the user. Cheaper and lighter than the M2 Flamethrower, and does less single-target damage.

- Replace the LAW with the M202A1. Lights the area on fire in addition to its single-target damage. Weight and cost are the same.
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Some good ideas so far for the perk. I hope some get put to use eventually =). Things such as a flare gun that could be like the flamerthrowers handcannon if you will would be cool to see. Another interesting thing would be fire rounds. Make them almost a 3rd tier style weapon in that its expensive to get for other classes and wouldn't be worth it.

Hell even another whole weapon in itself that could possibly best the normal flamethrower would be nice. Say have another flamethrower that has a larger spread but doesn't goes as far. Thats not that big of a change but he really does need something different. The fire nades were a good start to this.
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