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How to get custom map available for online use.


Grizzled Veteran
Aug 18, 2009
Hello!! Im new to the community here. I'm sorry if this is discussed elsewhere. I've been looking all around and searching with no luck. What is the process of getting a map available and entered into the competition (wave 2)? If someone could give me a step by step instructional of getting a map from my computer to where it needs to be for the competition I would be very grateful. I see the beta and final posting area and saw that people put links to different online sites where there map is stored? and I'm not sure how they are setup.
The application page for wave 2 isn't up yet, as it seems.

People are releasing their maps to the public by uploading them to any hoster (Filefront.com, RapidShare.com, Mediafire.com) and then posting the download-link in a release thread in either the Beta or the Final section, depending on the state of the map.
Pack your map and all additional files you want to pass on along with it (e.g. the readme-file or any packages that are needed to run the map and don't come with the game) into an archive like .rar, .zip or .7z. Use Winrar from winrar.com or 7-zip from 7-zip.org to do that.

You should also post a description of your map so people know what to expect. Most people also post some screenshots. You do that by uploading the screenshots to an image-hoster (imageshack.us, photobucket.com) and posting the "direct link" to the image(s) into an image-tag. Type it like this:

Check out some other release threads to get a general idea of what is expected.

When the application page for wave 2 is up you can go there and you'll be guided through a bunch of self-explanatory forms and you get to upload screenshots and the map-file there again and you won't need any other external hosters. In wave 1 it was all pretty self-explanatory and I assume it's going to look very similar in wave 2.:)

Good luck, man! Not just for your release thread but also and especially for the contest! I'm looking forward to seeing your map!
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The application page for wave 2 isn't up yet, as it seems.

People are releasing their maps to the public by uploading them to any hoster (Filefront.com, RapidShare.com, Mediafire.com) and then posting the download-link in a release thread in either the Beta or the Final section, depending on the state of the map.
Pack your map and all additional files you want to pass on along with it (e.g. the readme-file or any packages that are needed to run the map and don't come with the game) into an archive like .rar, .zip or .7z. Use Winrar from winrar.com or 7-zip from 7-zip.org to do that.

You should also post a description of your map so people know what to expect. Most people also post some screenshots. You do that by uploading the screenshots to an image-hoster (imageshack.us, photobucket.com) and posting the "direct link" to the image(s) into an image-tag. Type it like this:

Check out some other release threads to get a general idea of what is expected.

When the application page for wave 2 is up you can go there and you'll be guided through a bunch of self-explanatory forms and you get to upload screenshots and the map-file there again and you won't need any other external hosters. In wave 1 it was all pretty self-explanatory and I assume it's going to look very similar in wave 2.:)

Good luck, man! Not just for your release thread but also and especially for the contest! I'm looking forward to seeing your map!

Mr. Murphy,

Sorry for the Noob questions, but I found this thread which deals with the same thing I'm tring to figure out and I'm afraid I need some more direction.

If I'm understanding you correctly, I would need to combine my map and my custom static mesh folder into an archive folder and then upload them for people to download. Is this correct?

If this is correct, would I need to make a read me file to explain to people that they must put the map in their map folder, and the custom static folder into their static folder?

Lastly, how do you take screen shots?
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