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Need more close combat urban maps


Grizzled Veteran
Dec 8, 2005
people complain that everyone plays Danzig so much, but there is only one reason for that. and that is because there are almost 0 urban close combat maps out there, the majority of the maps are juast an open field with some random houses around, specially custom maps, they all look very similar

in RO:CA (the UT2k4 mod) there was Berlin, Jucha, Konigsberg, etc... small close combat maps, so it wasnt just Danzig only

notice that other map that is being played a lot is Odessa, a map that has the style of those mentioned above
so play Koitos? Thats a Custom Map... and ... sorry mate, but World war wasn't just House fighting... they used tanks to destroy the buildings, when they saw that many enemies are hiding over there, and no one really wanted that Close Combat... Buildings that are needed for Future would be destroyed, the big Battle places were all over an flat area...
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and world war 1 was rotting yourself in a trench for a week and I doubt that someone would make a game like that

I dont care how the real war was, I care how RO:CA was, this is a game and its never gonna be like real war, now the choice is Danzig or something else, I like maps like Danzig, but there are almost none, Koitos is ok, warsaw is ok too, but they are not in any server, we need more official maps that are like the good old ones, bring this game back to the roots
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Maybe I'll clarify a little....perhaps it's not the map type, close combat like Danzig or Stalingrad, or large and epic like Berezina, or in the middle like Kaukasus. I think it's the weapons. The close combat maps would be just as tactical and realistic and even more intense if the weapon loadouts were kept more like the original; that is, almost all rifles. Now it seems with that update that changed the weapon proportions, the game has gotten far to run'n'gun.
Maybe trying to please both crowds has made RO into a game that isn't ideal for either side now.
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When it comes to urban combat, there's Krasnya Oktyabr, Odessa, Stalingrad Kessel, Leningrad and Zhitomir 41, which are all better than danzig.

Zhitomir is too open and too big to be a close combat map

same for Leningrad

Kessel is ok, but its too white and does not feel that urban

Krasny feels more industrial than urban, but is not bad

Odessa has been my favourite map since Ostfront exist, but still, it has some very open areas, and I think its no match for a Jucha or Berlin

I don't think Evil Hobo's map can be considered a CQC map either

-smokeybear: looking forward for your map, I hope it gets to TwB servers, thats just where I play

I just miss the old RO:CA gameplay so much
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Hm, i think that CC will come with at least one map that suits you :)
Also i got a reworked version of the mods Bialystok lying around which pretty much is what you describe. Unfortunatly im not in the position to release it (even though that beside minor issues its ready) as im not the mapper.
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Ok, I'll say it: There is a free map editor available. Pick it up and start your own version of what you would like. Best way to suit yourself. To find existing maps, you may have to dig a little and be willing to look at a lot of stuff that won't suit your ideal. The problem is, the vast majority of guys making maps make what they are interested in. So if anyone wants to influence what gets created, it is best to either do it yourself or provide a great deal of information and propaganda to get someone motivated to make your ideal map.

Lazur actually comes to mind for a big map with lots of interior space for CQC. The others mentioned above are good as well. "TractorWorks", once I can release the final version, will offer some good CQC as well but it features a lot of open areas too so if you don't either version of Zhitomer, then you won't be happy with it either.
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Zhitomir is too open and too big to be a close combat map
(more stuff about other maps)
I just miss the old RO:CA gameplay so much

What do you consider "CQC" though? You mean maps where you spawn, run a few feet, then have a quick spam-esque fight? Zhitomir has LOTS of CQC instances. Same with Leningrad. I mean, cleaning out the first three objectives is almost pure CQC.

And while Kriegstadt isn't exactly a CQC map, it certainly has close-in urban fighting. It's just interspersed with open street fighting also. I think that creates a much better overall map. Both the riflemen and assault troopers get thier chance. Wheras on maps like Danzing bolties are considerably outclassed by submachinegunners.
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RO has plenty of CQC action. Krasnyi, Odessa, Danzig, StalingradKessel, to name a few. I'd even say that RO features too much close combat.

Really, have you ever played games / maps with big level design? ArmA, OFP? Kriegstadt? Berezina? RO as it is right now is close combat compared to other "realistic" games. And if you really want even more nadespam / hipshooting, then CoD4 might be a better game for you.
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