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Anyone here tried the game Juiced ?

Racing game.

Well, Since I am a little bored at work, Here is my Review.

Juiced is an alright Racing "Simulation" game made by THQ.

This is a Street Racing game (Tho all streets are Closed as if it is Legal Racing)(And there is no traffic)

Overall, the graphics are pretty good, nothing spectacular but very decent.
The sound quality is pretty cool.

Default controls are horrible, and to fix up you're controls... its an UGLY horrible menu that takes about 10 minutes to figure out.

As for the Simulation comment that they give, I give it a 50/50 mark.
When you first start, you tell yourself that the cars are rather unstable, however, after a few minutes, if you do enjoy driving, you start to tell youself that the car behavior is Very well done.

Take a turn too fast and you go pretty straight.
You really need to slow down to the right speed and accelerate IN you're turn... if you turn too fast, you can spin out.

I give it a 50/50 mark because they overdid the effect of adding a Riced out Wing.

Car with no wing will spin out VERY EASELY
Add a wing and your back tires are glued to the ground...

The downforce idea is well made, but... a really overdone.

The Back Weel Drive cars are VERY HARD to control with a keyboard !!!
Gas and turn = Spin out.

You start off by buying a class 8 car... something like a Honda CRX... some crappy inline4 car...
You go to your calender... and you join any free class8 race.
You can bet against one of the AI's if your reputation allowes it. beat him take his money...

Damage is pretty well done, damage the AI cars and you lose reputation points.

As you go, you upgrade you're car, you buy more cars, you can call an AI character and challenge him for a pink slip race...

Classes are seperated by Horse Power
Class 8 < 200hp
Class 7 < 300hp ...

about 40 or more different licenced cars to drive from.

Juiced also offers team races, you get 2 AI Drivers that join you, the more you race with them, the better they get.
You build yourself 2 or 3 cars (up to 50 total) join a team race, chose your car and what car your AI buddy will drive...

AI... Unfortunately... is VERY WEAK !!!!
The AI can be really stupid, sometimes even frustrating.

The AI Will RARELY go around you... for some reason, they rather slow down, tail you and HONK at you like an idiot... they have their pre-set path to follow and Never really gets out of it...

If they spin out and hit the wall... they are retarded... reverse a bit, hit the wall again, reverse again, hit the wall again... untill they get back to the right direction... if they take too long, they respawn.

Also, if you get a serious Lag Spike for whatever reason, All AI cars can lose control... Dont know how they managed that... but its funny.

Game types would be
-Team Race
-Drag Racing (better done then the EA's NFS series)

Internet gameplay is alright... You can race by classes... but it has many defects such as horrible Mic options... I never figured it out.
No Chat rooms before a game... so if host is afk... well you can wonder what is going on for a while...

But it runs pretty well... race with you're career cars...


-Lack of support.
The game had HUGE potential but it had major bugs that to my knowledge never got looked at... no patch to improve AI
No Tweaks to fix the EXAGERATED Add a Wing, Add 400% More Traction on turns...
No patch to fix back weel drive cars on keyboard...
-Muscle cars are unfortunately sad. (weak high speed, not that fast and horrible control...

(Forgot... I noticed today they made a 55mb update v1.01... but I never tried it so I do not know if they tweaked anything above)

But the game is fun.

Another Mistake of THQ would be... NO CD KEY... No patches... they didnt even try to protect their game to ensure sales.
I bought it, my friend bought it... we decided to get sold out on comercial.

For 25$ it was well worth buying it.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but is THQ still making games, or was Juiced their last attempt of getting back on track ?

For the price, I do recommend this game to anyone who enjoys racing games.
SPECIALLY if you have a steering weel..

Also, I think you maybe helping out the poor Dying THQ...

Even if I could have been an ass, download the game for free and enjoy everything it has to offer, I feel I got my money's worth out of enjoying it for about a year, getting 50 cars... somtimes 3 times the same car such as a 199hp civic, 299 hp civic and a 340hp civic) in order to race it in 3 different classes....

I give it a 7.5 on 10
Besides the few nasty bugs, it has a lot of potential... too bad it didnt get good, fast updates !

Even if EA's NFS Underground has better Shiny graphics... Anyone who wishes to play a racing game that requires a bit more finess... give it a shot.

If I were to compare this racing game to a WW2 game

I would say NFS Underground is DOD:S
Juiced would be RO Without any support or bug fixes...
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I got pretty far in NFS underground.

Then I got juiced... forgot NFS Underground for a while...

after finishing juiced, I tried nfs again... and I hated it...

I can no longer stand pure bs handling, cars being overly glued to the ground...

Unless of course I have 15 cop cars trying to kill me and Big Cop Jeeps trying to Ram me head on ...:D

As I am saying Juiced is good, juiced is also really bad... it has massive potential... but didnt get updated at all... (Ill take a look at the latest patch once I find my CD)
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