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Kills/Deaths ratio?

K/D ratio means nothing in RO:OST, for example hop on Kaukasus as a german with a schuetze, manage to get a nice position with a view of the fort(the house on the left route) and stay there, you can kill around 30 russians without dying a single time in the game(when you lean, they can NOT see you, impossible basically... they only see you when you reveal yourself after firing a shot, but by then they are dead).

If you run out of ammo go look for dead friends and loot them. :p
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[-project.rattus-] said:
I am all against showing the K/D ratio. It might decrease the amount of suicide attacks, but in the end, I forsee the "1337" players preferring the defenders side on any map not to cripple their precious stats, and thus greatly unbalancing the experience on public servers.

Well it would be like trading one evil for a lesser one. What I know there are only a few "1337" players on this game who would care for their KD ratio. So yeah a few veterans would play on defense, but most veterans wouldn
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K:D ratio? Been there, done that, decided I wanted to play this game instead.

What's up with folks lately trying to turn this into something else. That's what killed DoD. RedO is what it is and we love it for that...It seems that lots of folks out there want freakin clone games...MOA, COD, DoD:S...all basically the same game with little tweaks. Personally I am preferrning something original for a change.
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Yeah, as it is, it's getting hard enough to get the newcomers to the game to work together as a team.

Throw in K : D ratios, and all you'll end up seeing is people even LESS caring about taking a chance to move forward and cap a position. Afterall, wouldn't want to go less than 1:1 ratio, now would you? :rolleyes:
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My question is Why have points at all ? Why can't just winning the map be good enough. I feel having points opens up to other things like how many people did I kill or objectives did I capture. I just don't see the point. I can see where points can detract from teamwork because some people just focus on points. If there was no point scale then it wouldn't matter how many poeple you killed just that you are working as a team...why not award team points ..just a few simple thoughts
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