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Update on Zonealarm issues - 27 March 2006

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[RO]Wilsonam said:
A quick update, courtesy of Zonelabs second line support (they hope, more to follow, including a fix, shortly):

They are now pretty sure they know where the error is and it was introduced in version 6, around enabling/disabling OS firewalls.

For those who wish to try something out, rather than wait for the fix, there is this from Zonelabs:

The free version of ZA doesn't have that option, going to program/main/custom only gives you control over the Lock internet feature...

Thank you Wilsonam for your efforts, they are really appreciate, I hope we are going to get a fix soon
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BluesCast said:
It does indeed help. I provided Zonelabs with a memory dump at there request, a week ago. They were very appreciative. In-fact, if someone could post there support email for this issue it would really help facilitate a fix.

EDIT: This is the address i was using: [email protected]

Aha - thanks for that memory dump - it seems to have helped! But please don't everyone leap on them as it will only distract them!
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I found the trigger it's RedOrchestra.log. vsdatant.sys counted the file path of RedOrchestra.log wrong. The correct number of characters for the file path is 166 but vsdatant counted it as 165. What happens now is the counter decrements with each loop without stopping because the check instruction is looking for a counter value of 0. But the counter will never get a zero value. At the same time the counter for the memory address keeps on increasing until it reaches a memory address that is not accessible in our case its 0x82c00000. The value you see in the BSOD.

I now need to find out how it got a value of 165 instead of 166.
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I had already uninstalled my old version of zone alarm and deleted all the left over files by hand. As the posted fix said to do. I reinstalled with the latest version and again got the BSOD. Since My computer is behind a router I have now uninstalled zone alarm, and turned on the windows xp fire wall. The game runs now. When I uninstalled the newest version of zone alrm it was unnessesary to hand delte left over files. I don't know if I will reinstall zone alarm once a fix is found or not. I may just leave the windows fire wall on instead. I'll be keeping an eye out here to see what happens. In the mean time I think WIndows firewall and a router ought to be protection enough. I have the linksys befsr41. I had used zone alarm for a long time and never had a problem before.
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And a quick update from Zonelabs...

Hi Alan,
I wanted to update you on this issue. Our developers have determined what is causing the BSOD. They are now working on figuring out why. But I expect no problems in having this fixed for our next release.
I will keep you advised on the status.

And, yes, I've asked what they mean by "next release", when it is expected - and if it is more than a few days, I've offered for us to host a patch...

More as I hear it!
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WarDog64 said:
good news Wilsonam, and thx for all your dedication to this particular issue. it will be nice to finally see it rectified ...
My pleasure (well, sort of!). I would be dedicated to other issues, but I ain't technical and can't do anything useful on them. But I can keep the pressure on Zonelabs :)
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Rex Bellator said:
Are you guys nuts?! Running an old firewall! You might as well not bother with one at all!

aah paranoia is such a nice thing to watch. :D

running a older firewall is perfectly fine.
it'll keep all automated bots, worms and viruses from connecting to your computer.
and althou it might not be as hard for a hacker to break into your computer as running the latest... trust me, if they can hack through a ZA firewall (any ZA firewall) they have better things to do then hack peoples personal computers with (relativly) slow internet connections.

and if you really have something to hide you're running a hardware firewall and not some crappy software firewall.

p.s. running home configured linux firewall myself, mostly just because it's cheap and fun to set up.
the best thing for a paranoia freak on a budget to do is get a 286 or higher with 2 network cards and install smoothwall (linux firewall distrib) on it. i think it dusnt even need a HD.
then you'll actualy be safe, and not just 'mostly' safe.
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