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trouble to distinguish friend and foe


Mar 31, 2006

do you have problems as well to see at greater distances, if these moving pixels are a team mate or not?

i end up constantly to shoot peoples from my team.......what i dont understand is, that the color and name of a player are displayed when you hover about him and he is only a couple of meters away, but not over a great distance where it would be really necessary.

but maybe i missed something.....started playing yesterday in the evening^^
That's all situational. Usually I like to hold my fire, but in maps like Basovka where things are fast-paced and objectives uncappable, I'm more likely to crank off the shot without fully ID-ing first. I'll use parameters like:

* Where he coming from?
* What's his weapon look like?
* What shape is his helmet/hat?
* Which direction is he shooting?

And if I'm wrong... oh well. Another one for the pile of "Dear Mother Babushka, Your little Yuri was the bravest man in our unit.." letters...:p
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Also, make sure you are in at least 1024x768 resolution if you can. Enemies can be very hard to see at 800x600 at a distance, let alone knowing what team they are on.

Personally I sacrifice playing at 800x600 with some graphical settings up and play at 1024x768 on lowest settings. It looks better to me.
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i heard my name mentioned a couple times so i felt obligated to post.

usually its best not to shoot. if you cant id the guy then chances are he is not a threat. and more likely then not there is a threat around you. focus on him.
if your on a big map just do like the other have said and look at direction, weapon, etc. before long you'll discover a sense about who is who on the field of battle.
hope it helps
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i heard my name mentioned a couple times so i felt obligated to post.

usually its best not to shoot. if you cant id the guy then chances are he is not a threat. and more likely then not there is a threat around you. focus on him.
if your on a big map just do like the other have said and look at direction, weapon, etc. before long you'll discover a sense about who is who on the field of battle.
hope it helps

When i man the MG on a Tank, i got some situations with People moving into my Line of Fire, and there are some Problems on identifying people beyond 400m, and if the Person in question is behaving suspiciously near one of our Tanks... well lets say i have to say sorry in one out of 30 Cases on that Distance.

Especially if someone of our Tankers decides to fight on Foot, though i don't feel that sorry for Tankers abandoning their Tanks. But usually i wait until my Commander has looked at the Infantry in question and told me "Feuer" or "Nicht schie
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[5.SS]VonHerrmann said:
yeah it does tend to suck when you are a good shot at long ranges and you pick off a teammate... but usually when that happens it is a lonewolf trying to sneak around and is not communicating with the team..but I guess it is wise to I guess when in doubt dont shoot

yeah, that's what I think as well. with some situational awareness that comes with time, you can safely assume where the enemy should be and where the friendlies whould be.
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I admit I find this problem occasionally but it could be down to the map and the level of lighting. RO_Hedgehog is a good example because there are lots of YELLOW fields and the floor is to, making the Russian's YELLOW uniforms very hard to see so friendly fire is easy to get on that map. Same on Konigsplatz, the German's grey uniforms are perfectly camoflagued and the IS2 on Konigsplatz is too.
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