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You know what KF reminds me of?


Grizzled Veteran
May 17, 2009
United States

The old-school shooters from the 90's, where it was all about shooting; not boring cutscenes, not flashy visuals, or snore-fest vehicle / on-rails sections. I know 90's shooters and KF are totally different styles of FPS, but the point still stands that in both KF and most 90's shooters, 99.99% of the time you have a gun in your hands and are shooting things. Can anyone name ANY point in any of the Doom games or Duke Nukem 3D, besides the title and intermission screens, where you aren't able to shoot enemies? Running out of ammo doesn't count.

Modern shooters put way too much effort into taking you out of the shooting part, instead forcing you to drive a vehicle, watch a cutscene, or play an on-rails section where, yes, you are shooting, but it bores you to sleep because your freedom to move is taken away. When I play a first person shooter, I want to be shooting stuff most of the time; the occasional cutscene is nice to build the story, and the occasional vehicle / turret section (if it's done right) helps break the monotony, but when half of my play time is spent doing something other than shooting at enemies with a gun, then no, it's not a good thing.

I think that's why I enjoy Killing Floor so much. The ONLY time when you aren't able to kill enemies is during trader time or when you die. Maybe I'm a psychopath, but I want to kill people while on foot with a gun in my hands when I play an FPS. Modern shooters try too hard to be something other than what they're meant to be, because supposedly, it's a bad FPS when you're shooting 100% of the time. Take a look at Doom, or any shooter from the 90's; you are shooting 100% of the time except during the intermission screen, but yet those aren't considered bad games.

It just confuses me when companies pour so much effort into sections of a level that pull the player out of the experience. I think the recent failure that was Duke Nukem Forever has opened people's eyes to just what the FPS genre has turned into: all flash and no content, or at least very poor content.
That's exactly why I like Killing Floor so much, reminds me of the classics in a few ways - voice acting isn't the top priority, and the music is great (compare the soundtrack in the Quake/Doom series, Killing Floor, and L4D).

KF to me has all the good of the classics, and almost all the good of the new.
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Overall, "old school" doesn't appeal to me any more than any other antiquated way of doing things. I enjoy modern plumbing. I enjoy games that contain modern visuals and cut scenes.

I don't mind the occasional cutscene, but having too many can be annoying. I'm not saying games should not have any form of gameplay that doesn't involve shooting, just that an FPS should be 90% shooting and 10% cutscenes / on-rails sections, not 50% shooting and 50% non-shooting parts like most games are.
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I agree with the OP, but really the Modern Warfare games are the same in multiplayer - constant action. That's why I play MW2 when I'm out of patience for tactical shooters and I start walking into machineguns' field of fire out of boredom.

The biggest reason I stopped playing MW2 was the constant lag. It was laggy every time I played, I'd fire a burst, hit someone dead in the head, and the deathcam wouldn't show it. Also, some of the guns were pretty cheap(dual Glocks, P90s)basically you just aimed in the general direction and sprayed until they died. That wouldn't have bothered me though, the lag is what killed it. The singleplayer was ok, I can't place what it was about that game, the graphics were good, I like insta melee and iron sights, I liked the guns in that game, the level design was good, but something about it made me stop playing. Nothing I can specifically point out, either.
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I agree with the OP, but really the Modern Warfare games are the same in multiplayer - constant action. That's why I play MW2 when I'm out of patience for tactical shooters and I start walking into machineguns' field of fire out of boredom.

you see, for me this is what games like unreal tournament 3, quake 4 and quake wars were for.
I wish more ppl were playing them instead of the more arcade style RL games.
but then if you don't like sci-fi/fantasy, that's that really - and i guess a lot of ppl play TF2 for this purpose anyway.
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I agree,but i think KF really needs some small cutscenes if they ever make a full storyline campaign.

Im the kind of person that likes to feel safe from time to time...while taking out ZEDs at a distance...or just watching a relaxed cutscene.

Still,the Trader time is enough to make me feel safe for a minute.and after that its "Burn rubba lads",all the way to wave 11.This is the game for me.
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