• Please make sure you are familiar with the forum rules. You can find them here: https://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/index.php?threads/forum-rules.2334636/

Beta Map [MAP]TE-Coldsteel

Well i removed that upk that Sparks was talking abouth,still the same, no radio's or cover or correct spawns.
Version of server is also 25.

Our servers are virtual and are patched as soon as udates are released.
Maps are running fine, no issues.

As for the GlobalPersistentCookerData.upk file , the file with Drecks Coldsteel map is 6.9 mb compared to the one file on the server 1.2 mb which could not be updated via ftp.
Last edited:
Upvote 0
About the flat terrain you pointed. Maybe I do not understand the word flat in the good way here. All i can say that I see no logical reason why terrain wouldn't be flat at hangar doors and around hangars. As in normal life they would flatten terrain to make work easy. I'm from a flat country maybe that counts.

Thanks for the feedback.

He means the lighting is too flat. The sidewalk and overhead doors would cause shadow where they meet the ground, or at least some kind of visual change depending on the light direction.
Upvote 0
Our servers are virtual and are patched as soon as udates are released.
Maps are running fine, no issues.

As for the GlobalPersistentCookerData.upk file , the file with Drecks Coldsteel map is 6.9 mb compared to the one file on the server 1.2 mb which could not be updated via ftp.

I did not upload the Global named files and our server hosts the map correctly.
Upvote 0
He means the lighting is too flat. The sidewalk and overhead doors would cause shadow where they meet the ground, or at least some kind of visual change depending on the light direction.

I never read "flat" there as referring to the lightning. I did read it as terrain.
In the posted screens the sun is pointing to these areas so no shadow will be seen there. The map is build with lightquality on High. I will see what happens when its build on the highest setting (production)
Upvote 0
Rogame 8FFS. radio no visible :(
DefaultGame = ROGame.ROGameInfo
DefaultServerGame = ROGame.ROGameInfo
bAdminCanPause = false
Maxplayers = 20
GameDifficulty = 1.000000
bChangeLevels = True
MaxSpectators = 2
MaxIdleTime = 0.000000
MaxTimeMargin = 1.000000
TimeMarginSlack = 1.350000
MinTimeMargin = -1.000000
TotalNetBandwidth = 32000
MaxDynamicBandwidth = 20000
MinDynamicBandwidth = 4000
GoreLevel = 1
MaxSpeedhackDetections = 3
SpeedhackPunishment = 1
bKickLiveIdlers = False
ArbitrationHandshakeTimeout = 0.000000
bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled = False
GoalScore = 0
MaxLives = 0
TimeLimit = 0
ListenPort = 0
StandbyRxCheatTime = 0.000000
StandbyTxCheatTime = 0.000000
BadPingThreshold = 0
PercentMissingForRxStandby = 0.000000
PercentMissingForTxStandby = 0.000000
PercentForBadPing = 0.000000
DefaultGameType =

IPPolicies = ACCEPT, *
AdminPassword =
GamePassword =

Name = Player
Team = 255

bMessageBeep = true
HudCanvasScale = 0.95
ConsoleMessageCount = 4
ConsoleFontSize = 5
MessageFontOffset = 0
bShowHUD = true
DebugDisplay AI =

bAimingHelp = false
InteractDistance = 512
bCheckRelevancyThroughPortals = true
MaxConcurrentHearSounds = 32
bLogHearSoundOverflow = FALSE

Priority = -1.0

DefaultGravityZ = -520.0
RBPhysicsGravityScaling = 1.0
MaxPhysicsSubsteps = 5
SquintModeKernelSize = 128.0
EmitterPoolClassPath = ROGame.ROEmitterPool
DecalManagerClassPath = Engine.DecalManager
FractureManagerClassPath = Engine.FractureManager
FracturedMeshWeaponDamage = 1.0
ChanceOfPhysicsChunkOverride = 1.0
bEnableChanceOfPhysicsChunkOverride = FALSE
FractureExplosionVelScale = 1.0
DefaultAmbientZoneSettings = (bIsWorldInfo = true)
bPersistPostProcessToNextLevel = TRUE
bAllowHostMigration = FALSE
HostMigrationTimeout = 15

ParticleEventManagerClassPath = ROGame.ROParticleEventManager

NumMinutesPerMap = 50
# = CommandsToRunAtEachTravelTheWorldNode MemLeakCheck
# = CommandsToRunAtEachTravelTheWorldNode SNAPSHOTMEMORY

DecalLifeSpan = 10.0

ElementProviderTypes = (ProviderTag = "gametypes", ProviderClassName = "Engine.UIGameInfoSummary")

RegionPercentages [0] = 0.9
RegionPercentages [1] = 0.8

bShowMobileHud = true
bShowGameHud = false


GLOBAL_bUseSlotMarkers = TRUE

bLogPoolOverflow = true

ServerName = EN [8.FFS] = Bolt FF Rifle Only Do Not Aim
ShortName = ROServer

bSilentAdminLogin = True

ChatFilterList = ipsmlorum1
ChatFilterList = ipsmlorum2
ChatFilterList = ipsmlorum3
bMuteSpectators = False

= 8 RoundStartScreenTime
bLANServer = false
bBalanceTeams = true
bAutoBalanceTeamsOnDeath = False
MaxTeamDifference = 1
Roundlimit = 2
EndOfMapDelay = 45.000000
GameDifficulty = 1.0
HideWinScreenDelay = 7.500000
HideScoreboardDelay = 3.000000
HideAfterActionReportDelay = 10.000000
bCampaignGame = false
CampaignStartingCombatPower = 200.000000
CampaignVotingDelay = 5.000000
CampaignAttackDefendVoteTime = 15.000000
CampaignTerritoryVoteTime = 25.000000
CampaignFirstTerritoryVoteTime = 90.000000
CampaignTerritoryMapVoteTime = 15.000000
bUseReadySystem = false
bRandomizeClassRanks = false
bRandomizeWeaponProficiencyLevels = false
MaxHeroes16Player = 2
MaxHeroes32Player = 2
MaxHeroes64Player = 5
bEnableBattlefieldCommissions = False
bEnableSteamCloud = true
ServerAdvertisementMessages = Please Respect The Rules
ServerAdvertisementInterval = 15
MinNetPlayers = 1
FriendlyFireKillLimit = 6
FriendlyFireDamageLimit = 800.000000
FriendlyFireScale = 0.500000
FriendlyFireArtilleryScale = 0.200000
FriendlyFireExplosiveScale = 1.000000
FriendlyFireArtilleryPunishScale = 0.100000
FriendlyFireExplosivePunishScale = 0.500000
FriendlyFirePunishment = 0
bEnableTeamKillForgiving = true
FriendlyPlayerNames = 2
SmallArmsDamageScale = 1.000000
ExplosivesDamageScale = 1.000000
ArtilleryDamageScale = 1.000000
TankShellDamageScale = 1.000000
PunkbusterServerProfile = 2
bEnableMapVoting = true
MapVotingTime = 25.000000
bEnableKickVoting = True
bAnonymousVoteKicking = True
KickVotingTime = 30.000000
bEnableRoleVoting = true
RoleVotingTime = 30.000000
bUseScoreAsVoteWeight = false
bAllowMidGameVoting = True
MidGameVotingPercentage = 51.000000
EndGameVotingPercentage = 51.000000
MapRepeatLimit = 0
bEnableVOIP = true
bDisablePublicVOIPChannel = false
bDisablePublicTextChat = false
bEnableDeadToDeadVOIP = true
bPartitionSpectators = true
bPositional3DVOIP = false
bPositional3DVOIPAllHear = false
RealismLevel = 2
SpectatingMode = 2
ReinforcementTimeScale = 1.000000
MinimumHonor = 0
= 100 MaximumHonor
BannerLink = http://alain.gely.perso.sfr.fr/Images/RO2_ServerTest.png
ClanMotto = http://8.sturmbrigade.xooit.fr/index.php
ClanMottoColor = (B = 0, G = 0, R = 0, A = 255)
Recruits are ServerMOTD = nl @ @ @ @ nl nl F1 Team Balance @ @ @ @ nl READ THE RULES - READ THE RULES nl @ @ @ @ nl Play Areas In The Cape / Cap In Play Zones nl @ @ @ @ nl FireFight RIFLE ONLY WARNING = Shoot From The Hip - Dont Ban Or Not Aiming Session nl @ @ @ @ nl = FireFight GUN PLAY WARNING Shot At The Hip - Do Not Aim Or Ban Session @ nl nl @ @ @ TK's Voluntary BAN - APOLOGIZE IF TK - TK IF APOLOGIZE nl @ @ @ @ nl MESSAGE SCROLL DOWN THE RULE ON THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN nl @ @ @ @ nl MESSAGE SCROLLING DOWN THE RULE OF THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN
ServerMOTDColor = (B = 0, G = 0, R = 16, A = 255)
WebLink = www.redorchestra2.com
WebLinkColor = (B = 0, G = 0, R = 16, A = 255)
bUseMapList = True
ActiveMapCycle = 0

TerritoryMaps [0] = (Maps = ("TE-Gumrak"))
TerritoryMaps [1] = (Maps = ("TE-GrainElevator", "CD-GrainElevator", "FF-GrainElevator"))
TerritoryMaps [2] = (Maps = ("TE-Spartanovka", "CD-Spartanovka"))
TerritoryMaps [3] = (Maps = ("TE-FallenFighters"))
TerritoryMaps [4] = (Maps = ("TE-Apartments", "CD-Apartments", "FF-Apartments"))
TerritoryMaps [5] = (Maps = ("TE-Station"))
TerritoryMaps [6] = (Maps = ("TE-GrainElevator", "CD-GrainElevator", "FF-GrainElevator"))
TerritoryMaps [7] = (Maps = ("TE-Spartanovka", "CD-Spartanovka"))
TerritoryMaps [8] = (Maps = ("TE-CommissarsHouse"))
TerritoryMaps [9] = (Maps = ("TE-Apartments", "CD-Apartments", "FF-Apartments"))
TerritoryMaps [10] = (Maps = ("TE-Ogledow"))
TerritoryMaps [11] = (Maps = ("TE-Butovo"))
TerritoryMaps [12] = (Maps = ("TE-Provkhoy"))
TerritoryMaps [13] = (Maps = ("TE-Coldsteel))
PreStartDuration = 25
bAllPlayersMustReadyUp = True
bCampaignGameInitialized = False
bLockTrueSpectatorsView = False
bDisableSpawnOnSquadLeader = False
bHalfTimeTeamSwap = False
bDisableOverheadMap = False
bDisableCompass = True
bDisableTeamDeathIcons = True
bDisableTeamMemberIcons = True
bDisableSquadMemberIcons = True
bDisableSquadLeaderIcons = True
bDisableEnemySpottedIcons = True
bDisableTacticalView = True
bDisableTacticalSquadLeaderIcons = False
bDisableTacticalEnemySpottedIcons = True
bDisablePeripheralActionIndicators = True
bDisablePeripheralWhips = False
bDisablePlayerInfoOnScoreboard = False
bDisableObjectiveForceOutput = False
bDisableObjectiveNotifications = False
bLimitedGrenades = False
bNoGrenades = False
bShowIPOnScoreboard = False
bShowDateOnScoreboard = False
bShowSteamIDsOnScoreboard = True
bForceDemoRecording = False
bAutoEndOfMatchScoreboardScreenshot = False
bIgnoreScoreForTieBreaking = False
bUseCapturesForTieBreaking = True
bNoVehicles = False
bNoWeaponLimits = False
bRealisticPistolLoadouts = True
bRealisticDrivingRestrictions = True
bLogSpawning = False
bLogRoles = False
CampaignDifficulty = 0
CurrentTerritory = 0
TeamWithInitiative = 0
CampaignAttackingTeam = 0
TerritoryOwners [0] = 0
TerritoryOwners [1] = 0
TerritoryOwners [2] = 0
TerritoryOwners [3] = 0
TerritoryOwners [4] = 0
TerritoryOwners [5] = 0
TerritoryOwners [6] = 0
TerritoryOwners [7] = 0
TerritoryOwners [8] = 0
TerritoryOwners [9] = 0
TeamCombatPower [0] = 0.000000
TeamCombatPower [1] = 0.000000
CurrentTerritoryMap =
VoteKickPercentage = 65.000000
MapCycleIndex = -1
OverrideMaxPlayerScaling = 2
RocketTimeScaling = 0.000000
ArtilleryTimeScaling = 1.000000
MortarTimeScaling = 0.000000
MaxClassRank = 0
MaxWeaponProficiencyLevel = 0
RestartWait = 55
bMeleeOnly = False
bUseMatchWarmup = False
bAllowDeadRoaming = False
bAllowViewpointSpectating = False
bAllowKillCamera = False
AdminStartDelay = 0
KillMessageMode = ROKMM_None
MinPlayers = 0
KillMessageDelay = 0.000000
WarmupRoundDuration = 0
bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled = False
GoalScore = 0
MaxLives = 0
TimeLimit = 0
ListenPort = 0
StandbyRxCheatTime = 0.000000
StandbyTxCheatTime = 0.000000
BadPingThreshold = 0
PercentMissingForRxStandby = 0.000000
PercentMissingForTxStandby = 0.000000
PercentForBadPing = 0.000000
DefaultGameType =
ServerAdvertisementMessages = FF = No Exit Spawnkill Spawnkill Gold Gold Ban
ServerAdvertisementMessages = FF = Use Only = rifle Shoot From The Hip - Aiming which NoT

ServerAdvertisementMessages = FF = BOLT ONLY Unscope - Shooting At The Hip - Do Not Aim
ServerAdvertisementMessages = Tk (s) ='s Voluntary Ban - TK (S) = Voluntary Ban
If Tk = ServerAdvertisementMessages Apologize
In Case Of ServerAdvertisementMessages = Tk Apologize
ServerAdvertisementMessages = TE = Play Areas In The Cape
ServerAdvertisementMessages = TE = Play Areas In The Cape
Key objective ServerAdvertisementMessages = T / T Key Objective
ServerAdvertisementMessages = F1 Look For Team Balance / Balance Control F1 key
= On ServerAdvertisementMessages Recruits: http://8.sturmbrigade.xooit.fr/index.php

bUseReadySystem = false

TimeLimit = 900
FinalCountdownTime = 60
= 200 WinStrengthPoints16
= 400 WinStrengthPoints32
WinStrengthPoints64 = 800
bUseReadySystem = false
bUseMatchWarmup = false
WarmupRoundDuration = 0
KillMessageDelay = 0.000000
KillMessageMode = ROKMM_All
bMeleeOnly = false
bAllowDeadRoaming = true
bAllowViewpointSpectating = true
bAllowKillCamera = False
ReinforcementTimeScale = 0.000000
GameTypeDisplay = Firefight
GameTypeDescription = FirefightDescription
GameTips = FirefightTip1
GameTips = FirefightTip2
FFRespawnDelay = 5.0
AdminStartDelay = 0
Roundlimit = 3
EndOfMapDelay = 20.000000
MinPlayers = 0
MinimumHonor = 0
= 100 MaximumHonor
bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled = False
GoalScore = 2
MaxLives = 0
ListenPort = 0
StandbyRxCheatTime = 0.000000
StandbyTxCheatTime = 0.000000
BadPingThreshold = 0
PercentMissingForRxStandby = 0.000000
PercentMissingForTxStandby = 0.000000
PercentForBadPing = 0.000000
DefaultGameType =

bUseReadySystem = false
bUseMatchWarmup = false
WarmupRoundDuration = 0
KillMessageDelay = 0.000000
KillMessageMode = ROKMM_All
bMeleeOnly = false
bAllowDeadRoaming = true
bAllowViewpointSpectating = False
bAllowKillCamera = False
ReinforcementTimeScale = 0.000000
bDisableTimeLimit = False
bDisableReinforcementLimit = false
ReinforcementScale = 1.000000
bUseCapturesForTieBreaking = false
= GameTypeDisplay Territories
GameTypeDescription = TerritoriesDescription
GameTips = TerritoriesTip1
GameTips = TerritoriesTip2
AdminStartDelay = 0
Roundlimit = 2
EndOfMapDelay = 30.000000
MinPlayers = 0
MinimumHonor = 0
= 100 MaximumHonor
bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled = False
GoalScore = 0
MaxLives = 0
TimeLimit = 0
ListenPort = 0
StandbyRxCheatTime = 0.000000
StandbyTxCheatTime = 0.000000
BadPingThreshold = 0
PercentMissingForRxStandby = 0.000000
PercentMissingForTxStandby = 0.000000
PercentForBadPing = 0.000000
DefaultGameType =

bUseReadySystem = true
bUseMatchWarmup = true
WarmupRoundDuration = 0
KillMessageDelay = 5.000000
KillMessageMode = ROKMM_All
bMeleeOnly = false
bAllowDeadRoaming = false
bAllowViewpointSpectating = false
FinalObjectiveOverride = 0
bDisableTimeLimit = false
GameTypeDisplay = Countdown
GameTypeDescription = CountdownDescription
GameTips = CountdownTip1
GameTips = CountdownTip2
bDisableReinforcementLimit = False
ReinforcementScale = 1.000000
bAllowKillCamera = True
AdminStartDelay = 0
Roundlimit = 2
EndOfMapDelay = 30.000000
MinPlayers = 0
ReinforcementTimeScale = 1.000000
MinimumHonor = 0
= 100 MaximumHonor
bIsStandbyCheckingEnabled = False
GoalScore = 0
MaxLives = 0
TimeLimit = 0
ListenPort = 0
StandbyRxCheatTime = 0.000000
StandbyTxCheatTime = 0.000000
BadPingThreshold = 0
PercentMissingForRxStandby = 0.000000
PercentMissingForTxStandby = 0.000000
PercentForBadPing = 0.000000
DefaultGameType =

Bob = 0010
bWeaponBob = true
bCanMantle = true
bUseSingleCharacterVariant = false
MaxPlayerWoundDecals = 2
PlayerWoundDecalLifetime = 60
ServerAnimTickInterval = 10
PainEffectDuration = 0.5
FXLifetimeMultiplier = 1.0
bRetainEffectInView = True

TimeBetweenBloodSplats = 0.1

bFocusedISFullFreeAim = false
PlayerFOV = 70
CoverTransitionTime = 0.4
ForceFeedbackManagerClassName = WinDrv.XnaForceFeedbackManager
InteractDistance = 512.000000
bManualBolting = false
bAutoReloading = true
bAutoGrenadeSwitch = true
bReloadOnLowAmmoCheck = true
bVehicleAutoReloading = true
bIncrementalVehicleThrottle = false
IronSightZoomScaleSMG = 1.000000
IronSightZoomScaleRifle = 1.000000
IronSightZoomScaleBipod = 1.000000
bNoSprintFocus = false
VoiceMessageFrequency = 0
OverriddenClassRanks [0] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [1] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [2] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [3] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [4] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [5] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [6] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [7] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [8] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [9] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [10] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [11] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [12] = 255
OverriddenClassRanks [13] = 255
= 255 OverriddenWeaponProficiencyLevel
MusicVolume = 0.400000
PostProcessingPreset = 0

SoundChannelToHearSoundsRatio = 0.800000
MaxBulletImpactDecals = 15
BulletImpactDecalLifetime = 7.5

bTargetAdhesionEnabled = True
bDebugTargetAdhesion = FALSE
bAutoTargetEnabled = True
ForceFeedbackManagerClassName = WinDrv.XnaForceFeedbackManager

MyString = Test

[ROGameInfoSummary UIGameInfoSummary]
ClassName = ROGame.ROGameInfo
GameAcronym = EX
MapPrefix = EX
bIsTeamGame = False
RO = GameName Game
Game Description Description = RO

[ROGameInfoFirefight UIGameInfoSummary]
ClassName = ROGame.ROGameInfoFirefight
GameAcronym = FF
MapPrefix = FF
bIsTeamGame = True
RO = GameName Firefight
Description = Description Firefight RO

[SampleGameInfoSummary UIGameInfoSummary]
ClassName = ROGame.SampleGameInfo
GameAcronym = Sat
MapPrefix = Sat
bIsTeamGame = False
GameName = Sample Game
Description = Sample Game Description

[TestDisabledGameInfo UIGameInfoSummary]
ClassName = SomePackage.DisabledGameInfo
DIS = GameAcronym
MapPrefix = DS
bIsTeamGame = true
GameName = Disabled Game
Description = This gametype Does not really exist. It is Merely Used For testing the functions on disabled or locked for displaying items in UILists.
bIsDisabled = true

SpeedModifier = 1.0

SpeedModifier = 1.0

SpeedModifier = 1.0

FreeAimIronSightStyle = 0
FreeAimIronSightsSize = 0

ElementProviderTypes = (ProviderTag = "Maps", ProviderClassName = "ROGame.ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo")

ElementProviderTypes = (ProviderTag = "Worlds", ProviderClassName = "ROGame.ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo")


[ROGameInfoFirefight ROUIDataProvider_GameModeInfo]
GameMode = ROGame.ROGameInfoFirefight
GameSettingsClass = ROOnlineGameSettingsFireFight
GameSearchClass = ROOnlineGameSearch
DefaultMap = FF-Barracks
Prefix = FF
OptionSet = FF

[ROGameInfoCountdown ROUIDataProvider_GameModeInfo]
GameMode = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
GameSettingsClass = ROOnlineGameSettingsCountdown
GameSearchClass = ROOnlineGameSearch
= CD-DefaultMap CommissarsHouse
Prefix = CD
OptionSet = CD

[ROGameInfoTerritories ROUIDataProvider_GameModeInfo]
GameMode = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
GameSettingsClass = ROOnlineGameSettingsTerritories
GameSearchClass = ROOnlineGameSearch
DefaultMap = TE-Barracks
Prefix = TE
OptionSet TE =

[FF-ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Barracks]
MapName = FF-Barracks
FriendlyName = Barracks
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoFirefight
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Barracks>
Description = Map Barracks
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Barracks
MapTips = FFBarracksTip1
MapTips = FFBarracksTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Barracks]
MapName = TE-Barracks
FriendlyName = Barracks
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Barracks>
Description = Map Barracks
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Barracks
MapTips = TEBarracksTip1
MapTips = TEBarracksTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[CD-ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Barracks]
MapName = CD-Barracks
FriendlyName = Barracks
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Barracks>
Description = Map Barracks
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Barracks
MapTips = CDBarracksTip1
MapTips = CDBarracksTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-CommissarsHouse ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-CommissarsHouse
FriendlyName = CommissarsHouse
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_ComHouse>
Description = Map commissars House
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Commissars
MapTips = TECommissarsTip1
MapTips = TECommissarsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[CD-CommissarsHouse ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName CommissarsHouse
FriendlyName = CommissarsHouse
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_ComHouse>
Description = Map commissars House
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Commissars
MapTips = CDCommissarsTip1
MapTips = CDCommissarsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[FF-ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Apartments]
MapName = FF-Apartments
FriendlyName = Apartments
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoFirefight
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Apartments>
Description = Map Apartments
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Apartments
MapTips = FFApartmentsTip1
MapTips = FFApartmentsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Apartments]
MapName = TE-Apartments
FriendlyName = Apartments
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Apartments>
Description = Map Apartments
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Apartments
MapTips = TEApartmentsTip1
MapTips = TEApartmentsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[CD-ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Apartments]
MapName = CD-Apartments
FriendlyName = Apartments
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Apartments>
Description = Map Apartments
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Apartments
MapTips = CDApartmentsTip1
MapTips = CDApartmentsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-B4-Butovo ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Butovo-B4
FriendlyName = Butovo-B4
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Apartments>
Description = Butovo-B4Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Apartments
MapTips = TEButovo-B4Tip1
MapTips = TEButovo-B4Tip2
MapType16 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[TE-FallenFighters ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-FallenFighters
FriendlyName = FallenFighters
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_FallenFighters>
Description = Map Fallen Fighters
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_FallenFighters
MapTips = TEFallenFightersTip1
MapTips = TEFallenFightersTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[CD-FallenFighters ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName FallenFighters
FriendlyName = FallenFighters
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_FallenFighters>
Description = Map Fallen Fighters
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_FallenFighters
MapTips = CDFallenFightersTip1
MapTips = CDFallenFightersTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[FF-GrainElevator ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = FF-GrainElevator
FriendlyName = GrainElevator
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoFirefight
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_GrainElevator>
Description = Map Grain Elevator
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_GrainElevator
MapTips = FFGrainElevatorTip1
MapTips = FFGrainElevatorTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-GrainElevator ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-GrainElevator
FriendlyName = GrainElevator
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_GrainElevator>
Description = Map Grain Elevator
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_GrainElevator
MapTips = TEGrainElevatorTip1
MapTips = TEGrainElevatorTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[CD-GrainElevator ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName GrainElevator
FriendlyName = GrainElevator
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_GrainElevator>
Description = Map Grain Elevator
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_GrainElevator
MapTips = CDGrainElevatorTip1
MapTips = CDGrainElevatorTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-Gumrak ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Gumrak
FriendlyName = Gumrak
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Gumrack>
Description = Map Gumrak
bVehicleOnly = TRUE
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Gumrack
MapTips = TEGumrakTip1
MapTips = TEGumrakTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_TanksOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_TanksOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_TanksOnly

[TE-Ogledow_B9 ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Ogledow_B9
FriendlyName = Ogledow
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Gumrack>
Description = Map Ogledow_B9
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Gumrack
MapTips = TEOgledow_B9Tip1
MapTips = TEOgledow_B9Tip2
MapType16 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[CD-Gumrak ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = CD-Gumrak
FriendlyName = Gumrak
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Gumrack>
Description = Map Gumrak
bVehicleOnly = TRUE
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Gumrack
MapTips = CDGumrakTip1
MapTips = CDGumrakTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_TanksOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_TanksOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_TanksOnly

[TE-PavlovsHouse ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-PavlovsHouse
FriendlyName = PavlovsHouse
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Pavlovs>
Description = Map Pavlovs House
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Pavlov
MapTips = TEPavlovsTip1
MapTips = TEPavlovsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[CD-PavlovsHouse ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName PavlovsHouse
FriendlyName = PavlovsHouse
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Pavlovs>
Description = Map Pavlovs House
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Pavlov
MapTips = CDPavlovsTip1
MapTips = CDPavlovsTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-RedOctoberFactory ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-RedOctoberFactory
FriendlyName = RedOctoberFactory
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_RedOctober>
Description = Red October Factory Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_RedOctober
MapTips = TERedOctoberTip1
MapTips = TERedOctoberTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[CD-RedOctoberFactory ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName RedOctoberFactory
FriendlyName = RedOctoberFactory
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_RedOctober>
Description = Red October Factory Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_RedOctober
MapTips = CDRedOctoberTip1
MapTips = CDRedOctoberTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[TE-Spartanovka ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Spartanovka
FriendlyName = Spartanovka
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Spartanovka>
Description = Red October Factory Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Spartanovka
MapTips = TESpartanovkaTip1
MapTips = TESpartanovkaTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[CD-Spartanovka ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName Spartanovka
FriendlyName = Spartanovka
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Spartanovka>
Description = Red October Factory Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Spartanovka
MapTips = CDSpartanovkaTip1
MapTips = CDSpartanovkaTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[FF-Station ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = FF-Station
FriendlyName = Station
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoFirefight
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Station>
Description = Train Station Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Station
MapTips = FFStationTip1
MapTips = FFStationTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-Station ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Station
FriendlyName = Station
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Station>
Description = Train Station Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Station
MapTips = TEStationTip1
MapTips = TEStationTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[CD-Station ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = CD-Station
FriendlyName = Station
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoCountdown
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Station>
Description = Train Station Map
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Station
MapTips = CDStationTip1
MapTips = CDStationTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[TE-Provkhoy_B2 ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Provkhoy_B2
FriendlyName = Provkhoy_B2
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Barracks>
Description = Provkhoy_B2
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Barracks
MapTips = TEProvkhoy_B2Tip1
MapTips = TEProvkhoy_B2Tip2
MapType16 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType32 = ROMT_CombinedArms
MapType64 = ROMT_CombinedArms

[TE-Coldsteel ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
MapName = TE-Coldsteel
FriendlyName = TE-Coldsteel
Gametype = ROGame.ROGameInfoTerritories
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_>
Description = Coldsteel
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Pavlov
MapTips = TEColdsteelTip1
MapTips = TEColdsteelTip2
MapType16 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType32 = ROMT_InfantryOnly
MapType64 = ROMT_InfantryOnly

[ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo Community]
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.MapSelect_Community>
Community Description = Map Made
LoadMapMovie = LoadScreen_Community

[Barracks ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = Barracks
FriendlyName = Barracks
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Barracks>
Description = Map Barracks

[Butovo ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo-B4]
MapName = Butovo-B4
FriendlyName = Butovo-B4
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Butovo-B4>
Description = Map Butovo-B4

[CommissarsHouse ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = CommissarsHouse
FriendlyName = CommissarsHouse
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_ComHouse>
Description = Map commissars House

[Apartments ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
= MapName Apartments
FriendlyName = Apartments
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Apartments>
Description = Map Apartments

[FallenFighters ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = FallenFighters
FriendlyName = FallenFighters
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_FallenFighters>
Description = Map Fallen Fighters

[GrainElevator ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = GrainElevator
FriendlyName = GrainElevator
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_GrainElevator>
Description = Map Grain Elevator

[Gumrak ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = Gumrak
FriendlyName = Gumrak
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Gumrack>
Description = Map Gumrak

[Ogledow_B9 ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = Ogledow_B9
FriendlyName = Ogledow_B9
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Ogledow_B9>
Description = Map Ogledow_B9

[PavlovsHouse ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = PavlovsHouse
FriendlyName = PavlovsHouse
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Pavlovs>
Description = Map Pavlovs House

[RedOctoberFactory ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = RedOctoberFactory
FriendlyName = RedOctoberFactory
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_RedOctober>
Description = Red October Factory Map

[Spartanovka ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = Spartanovka
FriendlyName = Spartanovka
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Spartanovka>
Description = Red October Factory Map

[ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo Station]
MapName = Station
FriendlyName = Station
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Station>
Description = Train Station Map

[Coldsteel ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = TE-Coldsteel
FriendlyName = TE-Coldsteel
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Spartanovka>
Description = TE-Coldsteel Map

[Provkhoy_B2 ROUIDataProvider_WorldInfo]
MapName = Provkhoy_B2
FriendlyName = Provkhoy_B2
PreviewImageMarkup = <Images:ui_textures.menus.HostGame.ui_hostgame_mapselect_Provkhoy>
Description = Map Provkhoy_B2

0 = 1318571713.000000
1 = 1323453141.000000
Patch = 5
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Upvote 0
Hey Pneumobil, where is your activemapcycle? ie:


[CD-CommissarsHouse ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName CommissarsHouse
[CD-FallenFighters ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName FallenFighters
[CD-GrainElevator ROUIDataProvider_MapInfo]
= CD-mapName GrainElevator

MapTips = TEColdsteelTip1
MapTips = TEColdsteelTip2

There are so many mistakes in this .ini i don't know where to begin, i would delete it, update the server and get a new .ini and start again
Upvote 0
Our servers are virtual and are patched as soon as udates are released.
Maps are running fine, no issues.

As for the GlobalPersistentCookerData.upk file , the file with Drecks Coldsteel map is 6.9 mb compared to the one file on the server 1.2 mb which could not be updated via ftp.

Did you stop the server first and allow the old file to be overwritten?
Upvote 0
Despite the fact that playing the Coldsteel map on a populated server is as rare as a German with an Mkb during the Battle of Rotterdam, I'm working on an updated version. The times I did play with 12 humans I noticed the Germans might had an advantage.

Some changes are that the spawnprotection when the first objective is taken will be reduced. As its now an Russian Killer.
More rubble,detail and cover will be there.
More mantle options.
Pumped up the sunlightbrightness
Tweaked the fogcolor.
Tweaked some spawndistances and added more spawns to choose.
Moved the last objective backwards.
Tweaked the grassmaterial for less repeating texture and better blending.
Changed the dirt material for better blending
Did more performance tweaks. Not really needed as far as i know.
Opened some extra routes.
For the next release I will take out some of the auto rifles in favor for rifles.
And there will be an FF version.

Note that except the first screen the other screens are made in preview light quality. I seen a build in production quaility and that was so sharp.

When this is done I would like it to see a full human servertest before release.
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Upvote 0
Despite the fact that playing the Coldsteel map on a populated server is as rare as a German with an Mkb during the Battle of Rotterdam, I'm working on an updated version. The times I did play with 12 humans I noticed the Germans might had an advantage.

Some changes are that the spawnprotection when the first objective is taken will be reduced. As its now an Russian Killer.
More rubble,detail and cover will be there.
More mantle options.
Pumped up the sunlightbrightness
Tweaked the fogcolor.
Tweaked some spawndistances and added more spawns to choose.
Moved the last objective backwards.
Tweaked the grassmaterial for less repeating texture and better blending.
Changed the dirt material for better blending
Did more performance tweaks. Not really needed as far as i know.
Opened some extra routes.
For the next release I will take out some of the auto rifles in favor for rifles.
And there will be an FF version.

Note that except the first screen the other screens are made in preview light quality. I seen a build in production quaility and that was so sharp.

When this is done I would like it to see a full human servertest before release.

Just tell me where and when.
Upvote 0
I still haven't got a chance to test the map. But from watching the screenies there was something odd with the map I couldn't figure out what it really was, but now I think I've really found out what it was: it seems the skybox doesn't match the lighting, since (to my eyes at least) the lighting looks like the map is set at late afternoon with the sky set at noon. Even so, the map looks awesome and pretty well designed. + :IS2:
Upvote 0
The map is up and running on THE CLOWNS HEROES SERVER with 20 bots for anyone wanting to test it out. With quick redirect also functioning.

Enjoy. Drecks if you ever want to test any maps feel free to let me know and I'll put them up.

Does it run as it should so with artillery radio's, good spawncam and working covers ? About now I would like to play the map with real people.
Upvote 0